Sorry this post is so late. I’d promised another contest before the new year, and well *looks at calendar* that didn’t happen. In my defense, I had to rush do some things for a work project over the holidays. Plus, my dog Leia has been sick since the first week of October. At first, we thought it was bad allergies, which had her waking up several times a night having violent-sounding reverse sneezes. This woke me, too, as you can imagine, but it didn’t stop there. Starting November, Leia developed a hacking cough on top of the reverse sneezing. The vet initially thought it was kennel cough, but in November, she was diagnosed with pneumonia plus a bacterial infection that was antibiotic-resistant.

I’ll fast forward through multiple vet visits, three sets of Xrays, four sets of bloodwork, and three different antibiotics to say that Leia is FINALLY (fingers crossed!) on the other side of it. But, with the stress over her, plus the lack of sleep because Leia’s cough was always worse at night and she sleeps right next to me, here’s a snapshot of my mental state these past couple months:

Anyway, enough personal rambling, let’s get to that contest I promised you last December!
A new year generally means new resolutions, where we promise ourselves that we’re going to do more of something we’re SUPPOSED to do. Like eat more veggies, or get our steps in, or clean out the garage, etc. But what if we could add something that would be a “Treat Myself” item to our New Year’s resolutions? Like, “I’m going to take more time to read” or “I’m going to start watching that series I’ve been meaning to binge” or “I’m finally going to take a vacation.” What would you add to your 2025 resolutions that would be a TREAT for you, instead of yet another item on your ever-growing To Do list? Tell me for your chance to win one of these two prizes:
1. Send an email to jfrostcontest AT gmail DOT com (obviously replace the “AT” with an “@” and the “DOT” with a “.” in your email) and tell me what your “treat myself” item would be.
2. Include your name, the email address you want to be contacted at if you win (if it’s not the email you’re sending your entry from) AND YOUR COUNTRY so I know which prize you’re eligible for.
3. You can only enter ONCE. Duplicate entries will be deleted.
1. Any available book from my backlist, winner’s choice which. This part is open to international readers as well as US readers.
2. A $25 Amazon egift card (open to US readers only.)
Contest starts NOW and ends Sunday, Thursday, January 30th at 11:59pm. Winners will be announced on my blog the next day, plus contacted through their emailed entry.
Good luck, everyone!
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