As you know, I have a book coming out at the end of this month. It’s my 8th published novel, so I’ve been through pre-release jitters several times now. To anyone thinking those jitters must decrease with each subsequent book, at least for me, the answer is no. I’m just as excited and OMG-I’m-gonna-puke nervous with this book as I was with my debut novel. Author Ilona Andrews hilariously referred to this condition as PAD: Prerelease Authorial Disease. I’m also trying to finish ONCE BURNED, Vlad and Leila’s book, and getting frustrated because thus far, I am unable to get in 2 – 3K new words each day. Instead, I’m hovering at around 1 – 2K new words each day, which means the book will take longer to finish. On the other hand, I had a few trusted friends read the first several chapters and their feedback was very positive, so at least slow progress doesn’t mean the book sucks. It just means that some books take longer than others to write. I already know this, so you’d think I wouldn’t let it frustrate me, and yet it does. Ilona has a term for that as well – DAD: Deadline Authorial Disease. So right now, my mental state is, shall we say, interesting ;-).
Someone recently asked me to describe the emotional rollercoaster I feel while writing a book and/or waiting for one to hit the shelves. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I have very vivid dreams that I frequently remember (my debut novel was inspired by a dream, in fact). In this case, I think sharing a recent dream that I had will best illustrate some of the symptoms of that oh-so-unbalanced combination of PAD and DAD.
Here goes:
The other night, I dreamt that aliens landed on earth. Nothing remarkable there – many movies and books have been based on this premise. But in this dream, the aliens landed, got a hold of my Night Huntress series, read it, and then decided to end their lives because of how awful it was. Their leader was angry and held me responsible since it was my crappy series that led to his people’s mass longing for death. Therefore, he decreed that I would have to slaughter them since I drove them to their irreversible despondency with my bad writing… but there was a catch. No one knew what weaknesses the aliens had, so I’d have to figure out how to kill them myself. Out of spite, their leader wouldn’t tell me. If I failed to discover their weakness and kill them within a set time frame, I’d lose my own life. I woke up in a cold sweat still wondering if decapitation would work on aliens, or if their heads would grow back.
*grin* That, in a nutshell, is my brain on PAD and DAD. I might have used other dreams for plot ideas, but I think we’ll all agree that I shouldn’t use this dream as a basis for a future book ;-).
Oh, I feel for you but I’m still kind of glad that you’re getting the jitters. All of your books have been fantastic so the jitters are all part of the cycle. Thank you so much :).
LOL, Jeaniene! Don’t you know that aliens have terrible taste in books? Hope the words come easier for you. We cannot wait for more!
Sounds like u r working to much and u need a time off. Can’t wait to read One grave at a time and Vlad’s story. Well..I hope u’ll discover a way to kill those nasty aliens 😀 and maybe even make a book out of it. Lots and lots of hugs!!! xoxoxo
…you can name that a CRAZY dream 🙂 (but you arent’t the only person with such incredible dreams)
And to abate your acute PAD & DAD: I think your next book will be doing great (as always) and I can’t wait for it. Same for Vlad’s book…I’m very excited!
Just to give you some warm words (now go and write another bestseller!!!! ;)))
it never fails to amuse me whenever you and Ilona refer to each other (or each other’s posts) in your blogs. Its quite cool that two of my most favorite authors are friends 😛
ps im still dreaming of chibis of kate and curran and bones and cat on a double date ^_^
I hope you’re okay, ’cause it’s an agreement that one grave at a time will be a success and so will once burned – even if it takes you decades to finish it!
I have the answer! It involves cooking….
Thank you for that laugh, I needed it today. I’m one of your biggest fans and I’m thrilled at how many books you put out a year, it’s more than most of the other authors I like. You need to take care of you, so you don’t get burned out! Give yourself a break. Oh, and a lot of alien stories claim that our germs are the most deadly thing to them – so if you have that dream again maybe just try coughing on them, give them your PAD and DAD and be done with them! : )
Maybe you need a day just sitting around doing something else, some kind of brain stool softener. Ya know, to get all the crap out! I’m certain that the books will be fabulous. Go have a brownie or chocolate chip cookie, take a deep breath and direct your focus on something other that writing for a few minutes. 🙂
Oh wow! Isn’t it amazing how our minds works while we sleep. All I can say is the Night Huntress series (in particular BONES) have given me MANY very interesting dreams that have been bloody, deadly and oh so naughty. 😉
The aliens deserve a slow, tortuous death for even thinking that about the Night Huntress series! I’m looking forward to One Grave at a Time, and The Bite Before Christmas. I’m sure Once Burned will be terrific too, no matter the word count!
You know we’re going to LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE it, but I can understand why you would be nervous. I always think that you guys must feel more pressure with each book because we love the others ones so much…so we expect goodness from you each time:)
I’ve been thinking about this, and I think for me at least, I love the way your personality comes through in each book– in the humor and the references to pop culture or the way the characterss react to things– so unless you’ve had some HUGE change in your personality I doubt you could ever disappoint your fans:) (This goes for you and Ilona).
What do aliens know anyhow??? Your our Ripley and have nothing to worry about!!
AWWW!! That’s horrible! haha! Yes, DEFINITELY DON’T use that dream for a future book! And just for the record, your books are NOT crappy what so ever!! I LOVE them!! ;D
AWWW!! That’s horrible! haha! Yes, DEFINITELY DON’T use that dream for a future book! And just for the record, your books are NOT crappy what so ever!! I LOVE them!! I LIVE off of them!!! ;D
Well,It’s awesome that One Grave at a Time is coming out before the first, I’ll be taking it with me to Flyleaf Books on the first.
Don’t know if it works for every author but Rachel Aaron has a blog post on how she went from writing 2000 word a day to 10,000 words a day! I figured I would try it on my next manuscript… here’s the link to her post. It sure seems as though there is something to her methods. 🙂
HI, I listen to audiobooks and needed a new author and downloaded your first book. I am so hooked I love them and can’t wait for number 6. I wish Vampires where real. Thank you.
I’ve heard that yummy, home baked cookies (especially chocolate chip) are wonders for easing PAD and DAD!
And thank you for sharing the dream. I’m relieved to read I’m not the only one who dreams odd things (no aliens yet in mine, woo!)
Hey Jeanine just wondering if book 6 is goin to be on audible if not I need to preorder the cd asap I’ve been reading a lot more lately on my kindle but nothin is better then relaxing with your eyes closed listening to your books I’ve said it many times on your facebook Tavia is awesome she brings your words to life it’s better then watching a movie and I’m a movie nut!
Oh wow.
This is a interessting dream. 🙂
i am looking forward to this book x)
Best wishes
this sounds exciting, but i was wondering one day if you were going to create a book with ian as a main character . 🙂
I once had a dream that Santa Claus was an alien and the mall was his ship…and I’m not an author (yet?) I dream in “Technicolor,” so when I tell you that I woke up, chest heaving for breath, after running from aliens, it was very vivid! Thanks for braving the various “diseases” to churn out another Cat & Bones book. We all appreciate it!
Not so long ago I was flying from Moscow to Hong Kong, It’s a 10 hour flight, half hour before boarding downloaded halfway to the grave from I tunes by mistake by the way! And with that, my obsession with your books has begun! 🙂 Thank you so much for doing what you do! Love the characters, LOVE the humor. Cant wait for new releases. Also, hoping that you will do a book about Ian, he is my personal favorite 🙂
I was hoping to ask a question: I used to be an enormous buffy and angel fan and well Bones character reminds me an awful lot of Spike (james Marsers) is that just me?
love your books they make me laugh and blush! I was wondering if you have ever thought about giving Tate his own nightworld story. I think he deserves it after all he’s been through with and becoming a vampire! can’t wait for your story in The Bite Before Christmas