First, thanks so much for all your supportive comments on my last post. I’m late replying to them because revisions for Once Burned are due back to my editor next week (Time off? What’s that? ;)). Thanksgiving is this week, and on Thursday, I’m looking forward stuffing myself with turkey and, well, stuffing, heh. Calorie counting will have to wait until later.
Speaking of the holidays, if some of yours – like some of mine – have been of the less-than-tranquil variety, you’ll perhaps appreciate the post I wrote talking about holiday mayhem over at Larissa’s Bookish Life. In it is an opportunity to win a signed copy of The Bite Before Christmas antho. Go here to read the post and for contest details:
Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, hope you and yours have a great remainder of the week! See you after these revisions are finished and turned in…
Happy Thanksgiving, J!
Hope your Thanksgiving is tranquil. Mine won’t be…the Packers are playing the Lions!
Wishing you and yours a Happy and “tranquil” Thanksgiving!! : )
Have a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving JF! 🙂
Have a Happy Thanksgiving (~*~*)~
Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
I think it’s a universal law that there are NO calories on Thanksgiving:) I hope you have a lovely holiday with yummy food, family and a lot of laughter and relaxation.
Happy Thanksgiving! Now I need to go out and order your lastest few books from the local bookstore! It’s been too long since I was free to do some reading! I want more Cat and Bones…
Definitely no calorie counting when there is a table ready to crush under the weight of the food my whole family brings together.
Happy Thanksgiving and may the food give you the energy for that extra work you are doing.
Happy Thanksgiving 🙂
I love your books keepim coming. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving. I love your books.
We spent time with a heard of elephants….better known as three kids ages 7, 6 and 3 for the holidays. Whew! I think I ran off all the calories in the third piece of pie I ate…oh I mean one piece of pie :).
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day!
happy holidays
fell in love with the night huntress books, cant wait to read the 7th one
Just wondering if anyone else noticed the difference in Kiera from Eternal Kiss to Bite before. She is dark haired in the first and now blonde. Did I miss something maybe? Just curious!
Your one of the best authors. I love Cat and Bones. Thank you for all you do
Hopefully this will be available to purchase in ebook by itself soon. Would have loved to win a signed copy, but I’m new to the series and found this post late. (I’ve read the first four books in as many days!) I’ve left reviews on Goodreads, but I’ll just tell you here that I love this series, and I’m tickled pink tears to learn of Vlad’s upcoming story. (Mentioned in a review that he needed to receive a new love.)
Thank you for sharing your talents with the world.