It’s the final month of deadline so I don’t have a lot going on except work, and who wants to hear me ramble about that? In lieu of shop talk, here’s another snippet from Once Burned. If you missed the other snippets, by the way, they’re here and here. In the scene below, the heroine Leila has been instructed by kidnappers to use her ability to glean information through touch to find a vampire whose name she doesn’t know, but whose pyrokinetic abilities she’s glimpsed in previous psychic interactions.
“The firestarter?” I repeated. “He’s the one you want me to find through these objects?”
Are you out of your minds? I almost added, but didn’t because even if they were, I wasn’t.
“You can do it, right?” Jackal asked, all mirth wiping from his expression.
Sure I could, but I didn’t want to. I doubted the firestarter was a friend; Jackal calling him a bastard in that contemptuous tone plus wanting me to find where he was smacked of nefarious intentions. Anyone smart would avoid being on the same continent as that creature if they were at odds, yet Jackal and the others must be trying to ambush him. The memory of the firestarter’s charming smile right before he burned Raziel to a heap of smoldering ruins was something I wanted to forget. But if I refused to look for him, I wouldn’t live long enough to worry about forgetting anything.
Any way you cut it, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or, more accurately, between a fang and a sharp place.
I reached for the silver knife. With that single touch, the grayish images from Neddy’s death invaded my consciousness as though everything were happening to me. No surprise that the firestarter was the one who killed Neddy, using the knife after some preliminary toasting. Also no shock was that he did it with the same sort of detached geniality he’d shown while executing Raziel. I pushed past the searing pain I felt, past the feeling of floating into whatever awaited people after death, and focused on the firestarter, trying to see him now instead of only then.
This part was harder. In highly emotional situations, everyone leaves a piece of their essence onto objects, but the firestarter hadn’t been worked up over killing Neddy, so only a smidgeon of his remained on the knife. Still, detached or not, nothing tied two people closer together than death. Something about the door to the other world cracking open made essences merge and imprint more strongly, so once I pushed past the seething remains of Neddy’s rage and fear, I felt the firestarter’s distinct essence. It was only as big as a thread, but I wrapped all my concentration around it and pulled.
Black and white images were replaced with full color clarity. Instead of the grimy riverfront setting where Neddy had met his end, I saw opulent drapes surrounding me. At first I thought I was in a small room, but then I realized the midnight green drapes hung around a large bed, cocooning it. The firestarter lay in the center, fully clothed, his eyes closed as though he were asleep.
Gotcha, I thought, torn between relief and dismay at finding him in what I knew was the present.
I’d only seen him before through the grayish tones of past memories, but spying on him in the present was different. No one else was in my head but me. Free from other people’s perspectives, I took my time studying the firestarter.
At first, he looked like a normal, well-built man in his thirties, but then hints of his uniqueness showed. His espresso-colored hair was past his shoulders – longer than most men dared, but on him it somehow looked supremely masculine. Black pants and an indigo shirt draped over muscles that appeared far harder than a gym membership usually accounted for, and though no flames clung to his hands, they were crisscrossed with scars that looked like former battle wounds. His high cheekbones were accented by stubble somewhere between five o’clock shadow and a beard, yet instead of coming across as unkempt, it was rugged and enticing. I hadn’t seen a man pull off that look so well since Aragorn in Lord of the Rings, and his eyes…
Opened, a rich copper shade encircled by rings of evergreen. I would have thought they were beautiful, but at the moment, they looked as though they were staring right into mine.
It unnerved me, but I reminded myself it was only coincidence. No one ever knew it when I used my abilities to establish a link. I could be the world’s biggest voyeur if I wanted, but my most fervent wish was to know less about people, not more –
“Who are you?”
I jumped. If I hadn’t seen his finely shaped lips move, I would’ve thought I’d imagined the words. Coincidence, I reminded myself again. Any second someone would come into my line of vision and I’d see who he was really talking to –
“I’ll ask a second time,” his deep, slightly accented voice said. “Who are you, and how the hell are you inside my head?”
As excited as i am about this coming out, I am more excited about any of your books coming out lol. I am so interested in where you will take the characters next. Thought maybe down the road there might be a story about what really happened to Timothy in his quest for Cain, or maybe someone will actually make Ian become a one woman man, or even more on Veritas. Love the possibilities that are constantly presented in your work. I can read every single one over and over again, and not get bored of them like I do with other authors. Some days I find myself reading certain books or skipping ahead to a certain battle scene or key moment just depending on my mood. I have gotten so many of my friends hooked on your books and even a few employees at the local bookstores lol. thank you for giving us something to keep looking forward to, and also giving us something that most of us can relate to in some form or another. I also would love to read a story on a man that changes over, his feelings and the difficulties he faces. Got a little bit in the Blake story (sorry title is somehow not coming to mind lol) and bits and pieces of what its like for a man to control himself as a vampire through Bones and Mencheres. I would love to read about a newly turned and his experiences.
Had to make a little correction….I meant to say if there was someone who would make Ian a one woman or a one man man. I kinda liked the idea of him and Tyler, would like to read more with Tyler as just a hang out friend like Denise started as. Tyler is hilarious!
Nope… Please keep Ian hetero all the way! And, not with Cat’s mother – ew! that’s just wrong – as I’ve read some suggesting.
Ian needs a woman who can match him in the bedroom. There are plenty of women who love that sort of man! We would still like to have his story! You’ve never been afraid to express the desires of your characters so far, and Ian’s don’t have to be that much of a stretch!
Thank you! I have been getting hints that Cat’s mom is going to be with Ian and that just won’t work, I don’t think. Ian needs someone courageous, gentle yet firm, and able to inspire him away from being a womanizer. He should be with someone apart of the main series like Kira was for Mencheres. Side thought: If you bring in new characters, those that she knows can have their own stories! Another totally different direction: Can you bring Cat’s old team some women? Especially Juan. I would really love to bring them back.
I have been thinking about a story from Ian´s perspective… I would LOVE to hear his story and see him find a girl and fall in love. He can´t be THAT bad all through, can he?
I don´t know why, but I really love Ian. He´s just such a badass! Have to like that…There isn´t a time when Ian can´t make me laugh!!
Cannot wait to read! I love your writing.
love it. i cant wate for it to come out. i have all your books and want more now. please dont ever stop writing.
I can’t wait….OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait to start reading about Vlad. I love the way you write. I have read your books in the order you have suggested. I have read 6 books in less than 3 weeks. I read a chapter and cannot stop and I want to continue. Thank you as I have enjoyed your books and look forward to more to come.
I’m not sure who’s going to kill me first – you or Larissa Ione. ONE of you, though, is definitely going to kill me with these snippets and the waiting.
Dang, it makes me want to go read all of your books again! Nooooooo…I must read the books I have lined up now. I’m stepping away from yours books…slowly. *snicker*
I feel the same. Every time I read a snippet I feel like reading her books again. I usually do, but I need to get to other books.
That’s the sneak peak from “Magic Graves” which was my favorit one. What I want to know is who is the brawny african american man with Vlad?
I can’t wait for book 7!!! I’m rereading all of them for the… many to count, time.
Oh btw. Whatever happened to the ability that turned Bones’s hair white?
Just a guess, but I think the reason we havent heard anymore about the ability to appear withered to his enemies hasnt been needed since he hasnt died since One Grave At A Time. Thats prob why his hair has stayed brown.
Ok, I screwed up again, stated wrong book title sorry lol, at least here everyone knows which ones I mean lol
Yes I get the enemy thing but Tenoch could do it at will so it should only take practice for Bones to master. And I noticed that Mencheres said Tenoch had the ability not himself… Tenoch could also manage fire… wink, wink 😉
Very true lol. These little twists are awesome lol. I always wondered if she read these posts and saw some of our ideas and used them 😉
CANNOT WAIT to be my hands on this book! I love Vald.
I have the books if you have the time…
Just kidding don’t kill me, Snowgirl might miss me
I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS BOOK!! I’m caught between screaming, drooling, and down right having fits!
Happy day Snowgirl!
I have been avoiding your blog because of the spoiler potential. I have pre-ordwered and I wanted you to know. Even though they made the cover look all ‘romancy’, I’m sure it will be just as good as the Huntress series. I’m really looking forward to it.
I feel the need to inform you that you are a terrible tease…
Ever since I read the first book in the World Series, I have been mentally begging for one to be made of Vlad. I am beyond excited for this book. He is my favorite supporting character in the Night Huntress series. I can hardly wait!!
For reals June 26 is not going to come soon enough!
Can you please write faster? LOL. I love your books. Have read all your books 3 to 4 times. I read many books. Could finish a book in a day. Have never read any other books twice. That simply shows how addicted I am to your writing. Please write more? 🙂 Your fan in Malaysia.
I loved the book on Mencheres, I wish I had known to read books 1-4 of night huntress and the two world series books and thenn on to books 5&6 on reg. night huntress since the new characters KIRA AND Denise getting married to Spade and the book on them needed to be read before I read your last 2 Night huntress books, I cannot wait for this book on Vlad I just love Vlads character, I hope this new lady of his meets his evil character with flare and flames lol…. I did not see the model on the book meeting what my imagintion created I seen him with more straight hair due to prior description from you. More old world looking this guy looks like a man from todays world but he is HOT… I just hope don’t match up all the vamps cause vamps like Ian are just to slutty to be a one woman man .. lol.. I do have to admit I am addicted to your writing and wish it were all true. I would be in line to join them and I would mail order Bones if possible… Vlad is one of my favorites though, I love the relationship he has with Cat so I do hope this is not lost due to this new love of his… I adore bones jealousy over Cat when it comes to Vald and I hate to loose that wonderful tie they share as friends with hints of more that will never be… but a sweet dream..
LOVE ALL YOUR BOOKS AND WOULD LOVE TO BE A ARC READER FOR YOUR UPCOMING ‘UP FROM THE GRAVE’ BOOK, I have pre ordered this new book on Vlad. Your talent for writing surpasses all others. Thanks for sharing your creative writing.. oh.. please more hot lusty scenes, book six with the murdering ghost left me screaming for more hot lust between Cat and Bones… They do it all so well and make us want to try some of these hot scenes in reality lol…
Thanks again and keep writing, I will always buy your books on the NIGHT HUNTRESS & WORLD SERIES…. YOUR FAN.
Oh my, what that vampire does to my head and uh, well, yeah. Whew. And we’re not even into the book good yet. And here I thought Bones was hawt! Vlad is going to put it all to fire and not in a literal way.
I cannot wait to see this book, I have it on my calendar and I will have it the day it comes out. My, my, my, I only have this reaction to a few books and this one is one of them.
I can’t wait to read/listen to this one!!!! Will Tavia Gilbert be the narrator? I love the way she does all of the voices. I LOVE ALL of your books. I have all of them that are available on audio on my little MP3 player and have listened to them each so many times I have lost count. They make me smile. I love all your characters and love the way they have each been finding their true love. I know someone had mentioned Ian, but I can’t imagine hime with just one person, but it could happen. I think it would be sweet. Your books are wonderful!!!
Yes, Tavia will narrate Once Burned and the audio book should release the same day as the paperback/ebook.
Take care!
Love the snippets! one more Hero in the series to fall in love with. My favorite has always been Spade, although the others are soooo wonderful. I have a feeling Vlad could steal all our hearts away!