Ugh, I’ve been so bad about posting this month! Ever had one of those things where you know it’ll only take 20 minutes, but every time you begin to start it, something else comes up? That’s been me with blogging this month. Now, it’s the day before Guiltless Calories Galore Day, also known as Thanksgiving, and I have JUST 20 minutes to make this post happen. This time, I’m not letting anything get in the way! Does that mean I have important stuff to talk about? No. Do I have fun stuff to share? Not really! I just have pics and a head’s up that fun stuff is on the way.
First up, pie:

Doesn’t that look yummy? I didn’t bake this myself, surprising no one who knows me. I picked it up from a local bakery, but it was so pretty that I had to share it. If it’s anywhere as good as last year’s pecan pie was from the same place, then it will taste even better than it looks.
Next up, dogs!

I don’t know about you, but Loki and Leia are looking forward to tomorrow because they will get little turkey tidbits in their food. Look at their expressions. They’re already imagining it! Hey, it’s Thanksgiving, so sharing is caring, right?
Finally, a reminder that since tomorrow kicks off the holiday season, I will be doing my usual holiday giveaways plus some other fun things. So, be sure to check back here because good stuff IS on the way, promise! Hey, would this face lie?

Hope everyone who celebrates has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We had a Peekapoo when we were younger. She was the smartest dog I ever met (smarter than some humans I’ve known as well), & she knew what her favorite times of the year were – the holidays. She would get comfortable in a spot in the kitchen & watch my mom get the turkey (or, as the two of them referred to it, ‘The Big Bird’) ready, and then lay there & watch the oven the rest of the night/morning. She knew that when it was ready & time to start the dressing, she would get some special little bites as her treat. It was a very special time.
What a beautiful memory! And yes, she sounds like a very smart dog.