It’s no surprise to anyone that I’m a book series junkie. I love to follow the same characters through multiple twists and turns over the course of several books, both as a writer and as a reader. So, it’s probably no surprise that I am a tv series junkie, too. A couple years ago, I stumbled across a show on PBS Masterpiece called MISS SCARLET AND THE DUKE. I really loved this show about 19th century London’s first female detective and the gruff Scotland Yard inspector who balances his frustration with her against his reluctant admiration–and attraction.

****WARNING***** This rest of this post contains HUGE SPOILERS about Season 4 of MISS SCARLET AND THE DUKE that affects the REST OF THE SERIES******
****Okay, you’ve been warned!****
I just finished watching Season 4. As soon as I did, I Googled the show since I had such a “WTF?” response to how the season ended. Now, with my worst fears confirmed, I am SO mad. So, this is a rant with lots of all-caps words, and yes, I do get this worked up over the small things in life, heh. As I said–story addict.
Look, showrunners, PBS Masterpiece, network, and whoever else made this decision, don’t string me and other viewers along for four seasons and then pretend that the Duke (a.k.a. Inspector Wellington), who’s one of the MAIN TITLE CHARACTERS, isn’t necessary anymore. Worse, some of the explanations seem to pretend that viewers who are upset by the Duke’s abrupt character departure shouldn’t be because actually, they misunderstood the show’s real point this whole time.
WHAT?! That is such gaslighting bullsh-t.
Here’s apparently what happened, although of course I don’t have insider knowledge: the actor had a scheduling conflict, so he exited the show. There was no contract violation, so he would’ve been, essentially, a free agent. Free agents leave. It happens.
But, if one of the two main leads leaves, then the show should either RECAST THE ROLE (if its intending to continue), or end the series with a resolution that lives up to the show’s initial billing. Now, both options suck, I freely admit that. With option one, there probably would have been fan backlash to a recasting of the Duke’s character. Still, it seems the lesser of two evils than what happened, which is the show pretending that a foundational character with a four-season will-they-or-won’t-they relationship arc isn’t necessary anymore.

And what REALLY fries my bacon is the “Eh, you shouldn’t have cared so much about the relationship anyway” vibe that seems to be given in response to people’s anger over the Duke being written out.
People, you sold viewers a feisty, friends-to-adversaries-to-maybe-more relationship set against the trials and tribulations of a woman battling 19th century sexism in pursuit of a detective career. You know you did. Don’t try to now say that it’s the viewers’ fault for being upset about the Duke’s exit because they shouldn’t have been so invested in that relationship. Again, I call bullsh-t.
Honestly, for myself, I would’ve preferred that they’d just ended the series in season 4 and left the characters in a a semi-happy place rather than this, which negates everything the first three seasons built up to.
Apparently, they’re changing Season 5’s name to just MISS SCARLET, which is truth in advertising, at least. And honestly, if that’s what the show would’ve been named from the start, I would have been less pissed. Then, the claim that “Well, this was really just a show about Eliza Scarlet the whole time” would’ve had far more truth to it.
But that isn’t what the show was called. It was MISS SCARLET AND THE DUKE, giving viewers every reason to expect that BOTH those main characters would be in the show until its conclusion.
In short, I’m not watching Season 5, which is sad because the actress playing Eliza is great, plus I love the show’s quirky side characters. But this bait-and-switch after four seasons is unacceptable for me. There are too many other shows to watch that won’t screw me and other viewers over like this.
End rant.
So, am I alone here, anyone who’s watched the show? Or, have their been other shows that made you this mad when something pivotal changed from the inception to the end?
My mother and I were big fans of the show, until the announcement of the fact that the actor playing The Duke wasn’t returning. I talked it over with some friends and we all came to the same conclusion – the show creators are breaking the fundamental promise of the story we were told we’d be getting. And none of us were happy about it.
In the beginning, I still would have been interested in the show even if it had not gone so heavy into focusing on the Scarlett/William relationship. But now that has been dismissed, along with the fan’s protests as us not understanding what the show was about, I’m not going to be watching it.
Yep. All of this.
Yes I’m not interested in the show without Stuart as The Duke. The last time I was this mad was with Theo James not coming back to Sanditon, another Masterpiece show. The fans fought to renew the show because they wanted to see where he and the heroine would go…and when they finally GOT the renewal, he had White Lotus so he just “noped” out. My mom watched the rest of the seasons, but without him, it didn’t make sense to me and I didn’t like the two love interests they tried to shoehorn in there. So the show died for me.
And don’t get me started on Victoria, having a cliffhanger ending and then just abruptly over. I hate to say this but it’s getting to be a habit with Masterpiece by this point disappointing their audiences. I’ll have to be cautious about falling in love with any more shows from PBS/Masterpiece from now on, with this track record.
I will not watch Season 5. Tired of being manipulated by the money changers.
I’m trying to watch the first episode of what I’m betting is it’s last season. Everyone’s voices and enunciation is normal except for Miss Scarlet. It sounds like she has marbles in her mouth and she’s mumbling and speaking far too quickly in run on sentences or not bothering to break even infinitesimally between sentences. If I could find ANYTHING else to watch I would. So they lost a star, apparently a sound man, and a director who might tell her to ENUNCIATE and pause a tiny beat between sentences and enunciate!
Hes my favorite. Such a handsome man. I was very interested in where relationship went. I’m on season 3, so we’ll see. I’d like to know where Stuart went, I’d like to follow.
We will NOT watch without the DUKE!!!
So n agreement w all these reviews. We want the Duke back
I can’t believe all these individuals want the Duke back. On hindsight he was a bit of a bore (albeit he was great eye candy).
I like the NEW inspector, so much better!
I have decided not to watch season 5 there is no point. They strung us along. I’m making a guess but I think he was forced out. I mean why leave in the middle of a season where you were executive producer for the first time in that season. He certainly wasn’t in the previous seasons. Idk the explanation didn’t sound great to me. Thank goodness for fan fiction. Williza lives on
It’s always about the money. No matter what they say it’s always about the money.
I was watching last night also and thought the exact same thing. I finally got tired of rewinding the episode and had to put the captions on just to understand (read) what Eliza was saying. It’s unfortunate to lose a title character, as this was a show. I looked forward to watching and enjoyed immensely. Now the show runners are trying to get me to believe the past 4 seasons of the “wiil they or won’t they” premise the show was built on, was a self induced fever dream. I’ll try and give the new season a chance but it is definitely missing that special charm the show once had.
I just watched an episode. The show is carrying on with a similar character — another inspector. I was disappointed as you were, but am the new episoded.
YES!! Thank you for pointing this out. It’s so distracting and annoying. She also looks like she had lip injections.
wut lol
Just paid for the PBS subscription just to watch this season. Soon to cancel subscription. Was looking forward to the same characters as previous seasons. Vert disappointed.
Season 5 is a massive disappointment
So so slow
You are not missing much at all
Beecham House was lovely, incredible actors and production – but left in a cliffhanger and not renewed.
Watch season 5. You will be pleasantly surprised. I have watched all 6 episodes and look forward to next season.
Agreed!! I watched albeit reluctantly and quite enjoyed it!!
Ok, so I’ve watched all 5 seasons. Sorry to disappoint but I think season 5 is fantastic. I love the new cast member and the focus on Eliza works well for me. After Season 4 I found the constant gruffness and irritation generated by the Duke toward Eliza bloody irritating.
I can’t wait for Season 6.
I think it’s unfair to be so biased against so a hard working actress just because her partner was not loyal to the series. If anything, instead of drooling over the actor that abandoned his commitment to you, why not support the actors that were faithful to your viewership? I certainly won’t be investing any time watching any future series that the “Duke” headlines since we already know how his loyalty meter bends. I will continue to enjoy “Miss Scarlet” and enthusiastically encourage others to do so also.
With respect, Melody, I have no loyalty to Stuart Martin the actor (and no drooling, either :)). I even said that Stuart’s role should have been recast, which is pretty much saying that any dude would do as long as he was playing The Duke. My anger was based on the lead series CHARACTER of the Duke being written out. Not the actor leaving. I wish the very talented Kate Phillips all the best, and I will happily watch her in other shows. But, my trust in THIS show was broken, for all the reasons stated in my post. Thus, my decision not to continue with it.
The actor said he feels his character needed to leave for Eliza to grow and I agree. Eliza had a lot of maturing to do. Also it’s been clear since season 1 that the Duke wants a traditional life. It is presented more so in season 4.
Fans also shipped Eliza with Patrick Nash because he accepts her just as she is.
There are plenty of other characters and endless opportunities. I’ve seen the new season and I’m a fan. I enjoyed it. It’s different in a good way.
Sometimes leads leave, but the show goes on and can get better.
I agree with everything. If you name a show involving both the main characters then that should be honored. I didn’t feel like their story was concluded and the character taken as far as the actor could, because we didn’t get what was implied to us from the beginning. In this sense instead of changing the title to be a solo run they should have just recasted the Duke. Sure fans probably would have been angry in beginning but if the actor does a good job we would eventually warm up to him. Instead they take us on this ride for 4 seasons to leave us hanging then imply our anger isn’t justified bc of their poor writing and preparation. They had to have know Stuart Martin was exiting prior to the end of the season they could have wrapped it up nicely there with the characters and the show or just recasted!!! Anyway long story to say you’re right
Yes, this!! I loved the chemistry build up in Sanditon as well and they just killed him off! The following seasons were unwatchable because I did not believe she was attracted to the new lead who was sub par.
If PBS is going to continue to drag out storylines multiple years, then sign them for the duration of a series.
The new detective on “Miss Scarlet” is subpar. too.
I like Felix Scott (the actor who played Nash) but he wasn’t Stuart Martin. The episodes he appeared in and Martin didn’t were just as well-written, but they weren’t as satisfying. I, too, was invested in the relationship between Miss Scarlett and the Duke. If the producers are going to replace one of the leads in a show that has an ongoing “will they or won’t they” as a major theme, they need to find an actor who’s at least as attractive and charismatic as the original actor.
The original inspector was really too pretty to be an inspector at Scotland Yard; actually I find the second actor, much more believable.
I’m trying to watch the first episode of what I’m betting is it’s last season. Everyone’s voices and enunciation is normal except for Miss Scarlet. It sounds like she has marbles in her mouth and she’s mumbling and speaking far too quickly in run on sentences or not bothering to break even infinitesimally between sentences. If I could find ANYTHING else to watch I would. So they lost a star, apparently a sound man, and a director who might tell her to ENUNCIATE and pause a tiny beat between sentences and enunciate!
Get Hugh Jackman to replace Martin. Yummy
I agree that starting a series that implies a continuing relationship between 2 characters, then changing after a large audience has become invested the series and the; implied relationship, which added a great deal to the series is disturbing and shows a callous attitude toward the audience.
I agree with Sheryl . I enjoyed the will they won’t they frisson between them. Suddenly it’s no more. I might watch the first episode of the new season and give my final opinion then.
The last scene when he departs was so poignant and yet left unfinished. He clearly states it’s not goodbye forever. It’s goodbye for right now. There must be a future part of the story where either he returns or she goes to New York. To leave it unfinished with a ray of hope and then not have a portion of his story that continues in New York or a way to reunite them is a failure of the writers, a disservice to the story itself and a disappointment for all the fans who’ve been deliberately carried through and were committed to a foundational storyline only to be let down with a lazy and untidy ending.
I get all of that…Van de Valk my favorite … first season really played up the close friendship between Piet and felt that the friendship was the most important aspect of their relationship and would supass any love interests that came along…Now, they don’t seem to have as many scenes together to play up that friendship…get rid of his lover and let the two of them have a friendship that supercedes everything else.
I will still watch it. Maybe he’ll come back in season 6. They leave it open in the article. And I’ll still enjoy it.
You are so right, Jeaniene. My wife and I are USA fans who are outraged at the producers trying to gaslight us . Given that English actors tend to shuttle between shows, the end of the CO-STAR’s contract was known to them when they failed to renegotiate it and when they started to write season 4.
Ok I agree with the writer of this story this uncalled for I will not be watching the last seasons which is a shame 😳
He won’t come back. He rarely had as much screen time as Kate Phillips. I think that would grate on him. Since he found other respectable roles, there’s no reason for him to come back and play second fiddle to Eliza again.
The showrunner(s) should have had both major characters evolve more quickly but Eliza stayed as manipulative as ever and the Duke became even more hidebound – even though he came to acknlowledge her abilities. I think they knew that Martin was unhappy with his position on the show and they didn’t want him to be lamented by the mostly female viewers. That’s why he became so ridiculously “traditional” in the fourth season.
That’s disappointing, but I agree he won’t come back. I get that Miss Scarlett is this career driven woman at a time when that wasn’t allowed and that’s the premise. However, the push and pull with the Duke gave the dream of you can have it all which is what had me hoping to be true for Miss Scarlett. However, it’s seems they would not allow emotional growth with Miss Scarlett, she remains ego, and ambition driven and often unreasonable and unappreciative. Everyone around her tolerates her short comings and and loves her anyway. I wish they would’ve allowed her to grow as a character and a woman, and not drug the Duke along as a character just to not evolve that relationship in any capacity to then later imply that it may happen with another person since it was Miss Scarlet and the Duke for four seasons, and it was the name of the show. I feel like they should’ve allowed that to be the case with that and I think he left the show because there was no growth, but was hoping for to be so that he could’ve had a more presence on the show. They definitely could’ve grew that pair and we kept her her career the highlight of the show.
I agree. I even wonder now if she ever loved The Duke or was just using him as he suspected even though there is a genuine respect and a true relationship.
I also do not like how she can adapt her behavior so quickly with the new inspector without having providing same respect to The Duke. Not to mention an individual with no family, no support system and coming from a work house during the Victorian era. Talk about having to make ends meet and face prejudice as well.
I understand to be filled with dreams and ambitions but the depiction of ambitious women is a bit stereotypical. I also find it an easy writting to have the new inspector having the same family background she had with her father except if it is for her to reflect and distance herself from automatic postures.
Maybe it was just not reciprocal after all. And The Duke was right to move on.
Also, I am very surprised that the writers and producers saw the show as more of a mystery serie than a serie combining romance and mystery. From day 1, it has been about a love story during the Victorian era while solving crimes and pushing boundaries.
Get Hugh Jackman to replace Stuart. Stuart even looks like Hugh. Yummy!!
Stuart martin was just fun to look at, plain and simple. Sorry, PBS you lost a viewer
If I thought Victorian attire and make-up could do for me what it does for some of those actors, I’d give my clothes away today and by tomorrow I’d be strolling down the street in Victorian garb, lol. I watched an interview they did and a couple of them didn’t even look like the same person.
No. I’m also furious how PBS is trying to hold onto the show with The Duke leaving plus other MAIN characters!!!
They should have just ended the series. Talk about taking the air out of my balloon….!!!
Absolutely. Piet’s “lover” is a silly and unnecessary sideline, she doesn’t do anything for the show. Get rid of her and keep Lucienne front and center.
I agree. I even wonder now if she ever loved The Duke or was just using him as he suspected even though there is a genuine respect and a true relationship.
I also do not like how she can adapt her behavior so quickly with the new inspector without having providing same respect to The Duke. Not to mention an individual with no family, no support system and coming from a work house during the Victorian era. Talk about having to make ends meet and face prejudice as well.
I understand to be filled with dreams and ambitions but the depiction of ambitious women is a bit stereotypical. I also find it an easy writting to have the new inspector having the same family background she had with her father except if it is for her to reflect and distance herself from automatic postures.
Maybe it was just not reciprocal after all. And The Duke was right to move on.
The original inspector was really too pretty to be an inspector at Scotland Yard; actually I find the second actor, much more believable.
Like you I was easily upset about the first season of Sanditon. However Theo James made the decision NOT to return. More fool him!
The Sisterhood rallied for teo years to get Justin Young & the Sanditon team to give “us” a HEA for Charlottle. Finally it was announced that S2 and 3 would be made. The next day James said he would not be returning! There were lots of weeping & wailing from the fans, but Justin Young assured the fans that a HEA was on the cards for Charlotte Heywood. That intrigued me and it was so lovely that she finally got a respectful husband she deserved. She could never have married a rogue like Sidney Parker!!! I love S2 & S3 because Charlotte was a bit more grown up and knew what she wanted. There was only one story line I did not enjoy which involved Arthur (personal preference). All in all I would say “Sidney who?”.
Masterpiece may have recast another actor, equally smitten with Miss Scarlett as was the Duke. We fans say we dislike new characters, but like Grantchester (BBC) a change of vicar makes no difference to our love of the show.
I’ve continued to watch Gtantchester which, for PBS, is the bottom line but I’ve been less invested with each new vicar. I rarely watch it the night it’s first broadcast on my local station.
I stayed with “Father Brown” after Lady Felicia left but I stopped altogether after giving Bunty’s and Mrs. McCarthy’s replacements most of a season to settle in.
Heh—Father Brown continues to speed downhill. The new characters and writers have turned it into an unfunny panto with repetitive, unimaginative plots—and no real feel for the British pastoral mystery at all. Devine and Brenda are still unwatchable—and Sullivan is mostly Chief Inspector Devine’s Handbag. Ugh.
It makes no sense to have an episode devoted to how Eliza and William first met and then dump the entire relationship and pretend they never intended for them to end up together. Just be honest about whatever happened with the actor instead of gaslighting the viewers.
My thoughts exactly. I’m not fond of ‘bait and switch’ (that what it feels like anyway).
I’m ok with the change. Too many shows focus on a will they won’t they plot so much that it’s not original anyway. I think the change will help her grow and be less self focused. I didn’t like how she would disregard his concerns to prove her worth. It gave elitist energy occasionally. I am looking forward to better character development.
Oh My Gosh Jane you are so right I forgot how mad I was over Sanditon/ Theo James!! Seriously what is with PBS edging us. They know dang well what they were doing with the relationships and chemistry with these main characters I want to not watch the show but I also love Eliza and I’m curious how they go forward. I loved the would they or won’t back and forth between the two , but I really don’t think they would have ended up together. As much as I hated to see Stuart leave the show I really think his character had hit its growth. The problem was PBS should have made the show Miss Scarlett from the beginning . For them to actually be together and it work either one of them would have had to extremely change their whole views . And both of them where to stubborn to do that. Also neither would have been happy stepping aside and letting the other go. The Duke wanted to get married have children and a stay at home wife. That was something Eliza was never going to do. The Duke had way too much pride to let her be a career woman especially in the same field. Plus he had also been unhappy in his career and was never going to move up the ranks where he was. I totally see why so many viewers are mad PBS did handle the whole situation poorly. I think the way they handled his exit was a slap to the face to us fans that have been with the show & characters from the beginning. We deserved better. They shoukd have let him leave when he got offered the job in Scotland atleast there they tried to give us some closure. I do love this show and fingers crossed it doesn’t see the same fate as Sanditon. ♥️
I have to completely agree with Jane on each of these three programs listed above. I know the shoes are just stories, but the viewer has emotional responses to them. I loved the relationship between Scarlett and the Duke. It was feisty and fun. Nothing to compare with what has taken place since. The same with Sanditon and Victoria.
Perhaps Masterpiece could take more responsibility in this relationship with its viewers — that is if they want a viewership that is loyal and willing to return each season!
I suspect women are the main ones that watched this show, due to Stuart being the lead male and Scarlett being a feminist. WE WANT A LOVE STORY!! We wanted them to end up together after FOUR seasons!! For that not to happen was a big disappointment!!
I completely agree with everything being said here, especially the bit about Theo James on Sanditon as well. Not a happy watcher of BBC shows. Especially since I got sucked into paying every month for Masterpiece as a subscription. Ugh. Im canceling that as soon as I finish Vienna Blood.
Apparently it’s become Masterpiece routine to just end series whenever and wherever they want to. “World On Fire” being a particularly disappointment. They just dropped it at a cliffhanger in the middle of the war with several storylines dangling uncomfortably. SO incredibly disappointing.
Add Poldark to the list of masterpieces ruined series. Poldark ended horribly. They did not base season 5 on the Poldark book series. The writing on season 5 was very bad. Did not fit with the other 4 seasons. It also ended in a cliffhanger and didn’t come back. They ruined one of the best shows I have ever watch. Everything about it was great until season 5. The actors fix a masterful job of interpreting their characters. I could go on and on. If I was one of the actors, I would want more seasons to salvage my work.
Thanks for giving us this piece and a place to rant! I too am a book series junkie and love to see how series are adapted for the screen. After the exit of the Duke I too am moving on. Although not on Masterpiece I was disappointed when the characters from Donna Leon’s book series inspector Brunetti and his wife was re cast after the first 4 episodes of the German tv adaptation of the books but at least they kept both characters and we could continue to see the relationship. Although their relationship in Leon’s books is not as central as that between Miss Scarlet and the Duke it is an important aspect of the dynamics of the full story and I was glad that was respected in the recasting process. Here they’re dissing the importance of the relationship and our understanding of it by not recasting the Duke.. Just not interested in a series with only Miss Scarlet and her solo journey fighting a male dominated system. There are lots of other series with that central element. What made this interesting and in fact feel more realistic than some was the dynamic between Scarlet and the Duke. Yes I too am moving on..
Hopefully at a certain point in time before the finale of the serie, there will be that happy ending between The Duke and Scarlet. It was indeed the main plot of the serie. Very disappointed on that point except if The Duke comes back, which leads to a more constructive plot between the two. It is true that rewatching previous seasons, The Duke character does support Elisa much more than I grabed on my first watch. He is more mature and settled in a ways. Elisa still needs to find herself as a woman in love and not just a professional, as well as be more respectful of The Duke’s desires while not denying herself her own ambitions. Season 5 brings that piece of introspection and vulnerability in Elisa. She seems to be more connected to her feelings. I truly hope that will blossom into something meaningful, modern and deeply romantic with The Duke at some point. I found it tiring to be constantly fed with impossible love story when exploring feminism and strong women characters. In addition, I find it extremely frustrating that suddenly Elisa can compromise, be more gentle and repsectful of boundaries of a love interest (season 5) while she could not start to embrace that with The Duke. I really might say again that rewatching some episodes there was a lot of unoticed genuine love support The Duke has given her though its way of expressing his needs for a family, children and a wife that needs and wants him can sound a bit conservatoire, which might also have to do with his story. I am ready to see truly innovative shows showing that woman can be ambitious and happily fullfilled lovers with their true love.
I agree with all the comments. I will not be watching going henceforth.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I could not agree with you more.
TPTB should have either recast the Duke (the new actor they have brought in to replace the Scotland Yard inspector looks a lot like Stuart Martin), I agree this is not optimum. For me, that would have been Eliza and the Duke together in Season 5. However, it would be better than what we are being offered.
Scarlet and the Duke’s growing relationship was integral to the popularity of the show. It is maddening that the show runner does not get that.
The leads should have been made to sign longer contracts.
It also would have been great if SM had shown some gratitude for the fans that made him a success instead of jumping ship before Eliza and the Duke got a proper ending. After all, the series only has six episodes. He could still have done other work.
It infuriates me when this happens (Dan Stevens ruining Downton Abbey comes to mind and there are others).
Masterpiece lets down fans a lot.
You are so right, Jeaniene. My wife and I are USA fans who are outraged at the producers trying to gaslight us . Given that English actors tend to shuttle between shows, the end of the CO-STAR’s contract was known to them when they failed to renegotiate it and when they started to write season 4.
Jeaniene, you said exactly what I was thinking about the Duke’s being written out of the series (or leaving for whatever reason). The dialogue in that last episode was clumsy and out of character for the Duke, as viewers learned that he would be leaving. Surely there was a way to write a better contract to keep Stuart Martin in the role or to have him return occasionally as the Duke, if it is true that he went on to “other opportunities” and could not be there full time. The directors and producers had not been using him as effectively as they had during earlier episodes. It seems as if all parties could have more candid about the reasons the series was going on without the Duke. If there was conflict, so be it. Maybe someone else should have left!
I completely agree with all of these comments. I just discovered the series, and am now only on Season 2, but after reading what’s ahead, my enthusiasm has waned. The tension & potential romance between Eliza and the Duke, whose character is equally compelling, is an essential element of the series. I am unsure if my time investment is worth the dry prospect without it, at least for 5 seasons. The female detective struggling to gain recognition & acceptance in a man’s world is not unique, but the Duke & Eliza’s relationship was better developed & acted & unusually compelling. PBS should be more responsive to its viewers interests.
Keep watching. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Jeanine, you’re definitely not alone. I’m very disappointed and resent it that the final episode of Season 4 built up expectations that won’t be realized.
Frankly, it’s difficult for me to wish Stuart Martin success in future ventures after he abandoned the show.
My wife and I really enjoyed the show’s stories and characters but the main things that we found annoying were that first, that the great character of Moses inexplicably disappeared from the show, secondly, that there really was no believable character arcs to speak of during those four seasons between Eliza and Duke, except maybe for the Duke’s briefly curbing his prideful playboy behavior for his feelings for Eliza and and then his infatuation with her nemesis, Arabella Acaster because she was too proud and career-oriented to relay her own feelings of love for the Duke until he was leaving for New York. Miss Scarlett is NOT the kind of storytelling that should fall back on formula-soap opera writing. In fact, the writers would do well to read and take a lesson from Jane Austen’s writing of Pride and Prejudice and Susanna Clarke’s writing of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Their worst mistake, however, was the producers using actors who were already busy with other projects and probably not paying them enough for theirs.
My wife and I really enjoyed the show’s stories and characters but the main things that we found annoying were that first, that the great character of Moses inexplicably disappeared from the show, secondly, that there really was no believable character arcs to speak of during those four seasons between Eliza and Duke, except maybe for the Duke’s briefly curbing his prideful playboy behavior for his feelings for Eliza and then his infatuation with her nemesis, Arabella Acaster because Eliza was too proud and career-oriented to relay her own feelings of love for the Duke until he was leaving for New York. Miss Scarlett is NOT the kind of storytelling that should use formula-soap opera-writing. In fact, the writers would do well to read and take a lesson from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Their worst mistake however, was the producers using actors who were already busy with other projects and probably not paying them enough for theirs.
I just watched season 5 WITHOUT the Duke, and honestly thought it was FANTASTIC. I actually like the new guy better… and any true fan of the show should at least give it a chance!
A couple of friends also said they’ve watched the 1st couple of season 5 episodes and they said the seems to be a chemistry between Eliza and the new detective. So if there is a budding romance between them, it sounds promising.
I just watched half of Season 5 on the PBS app, and it seems the show is dying a slow death. The new guy who replaced the Duke is a dud, and there is no chemistry between him and Miss Scarlett. In fact, he didn’t even make an appearance in the last episode I watched, which was an improvement over the episodes in which he had a part. There are only 6 episodes in the season, which makes me think this is the end of the series. Too bad such a promising series will end on such a negative note!
There is a dearth of quality shows like this one. So I will be watching as much as they can provide because it will be just as good without the Duke plus I think my wife was a little too keen on the Duke!
We like the show so we will be watching as much as they can provide because it will be just as good without the Duke plus I think my wife was a little too keen on the Duke!
I too am “keen” on the Duke!
Will watch tonight without him ….but he was SO good looking and the tension between the two was irreplaceable!
You are totally NOT alone, and kudos to you on the rant. You said everything I thought and more.
The episodes without William were, frankly, dull as ditchwater and boring, boring, boring. The first one I ran into like that was the one set in France, and dear lord, I almost didn’t finish. Unlike any other episode before that, I actually ended up taking a couple of weeks to finish watching — it just didn’t hold my interest at all. The writers clearly make the mistake of thinking that ‘conflict’ just means ‘bicker bicker bicker’. It doesn’t.
Regardless of romantic entanglements, the character of William provides a much-needed foil and contrast for Eliza. Nash does not; he’s too much like her (and frankly, too much like her most annoying traits.) Also, like it or not, William reminds us of what the mores of the times *are*. Without that, the series loses all authenticity.
Too, I think people assumed that when he brought up some of these issues that it meant he *agreed* with those mores. I didn’t get the impression that he did, but rather, was pointing out, *Hey, this is what we have to work with here.*
I think that point was utterly lost on a lot of the viewers, frankly. One of the biggest eruptions in viewer comments I saw was when William pointed out to Eliza that she could, if she chose, cease working, get married and be supported, but the reverse was not true for him. As a working-class man, he was expected to maintain a job and be capable of supporting himself and a family, whether he wanted to do so or not. Today’s audiences might not like to hear that, but back then, it was true. William was *not* saying that’s how he thought things SHOULD be; he was stating that’s how things WERE.
Given how ignorant people are of actual history and past social mores anymore, having a character like William around to make these points is a necessary device. Without it, it just becomes utterly anachronistic and not worth watching.
Too, the reason for William’s leaving makes no sense, given his reasons for turning down a transfer that involved a promotion and a move.
I won’t be bothering with any more of this series. As a feminist, I’d like to like Eliza, but frankly, without some kind of moral yardstick, she’s a harpy and I just don’t like her.
I agree 100% with what’s been said.. I am totally pissed off that the Dike left the show. Don’t these actors sign contracts? Obviously some actors couldn’t “give a monkeys” about the public’s dedication to a show!
I agree – Masterpiece needs to pay these actors more money. Same thing happened on Sanderton when Sidney left. That show was never the same after season one. So I probably wouldn’t watch season five of “Miss Scarlett”.
I feel the same way but I am curious to see how they will spin it.
They should have recast him. Would it have been that hard?? I think not 🫤
As much as I liked Stuart, once he decided to leave, yes, they could have recast his character!!
Yes. I agree with all of you. I feel like I’ve been had, as in GOTCHA! They think their audience is stupid and set us up for a fall when they try to tell us we’re overreacting to Stuart leaving. It’s so disappointing on many levels. Disappointed that Stuart Martin didn’t commit to the end either.
I used to love this show but by season 4 it was such a dumpster fire that you have to wonder if the actor blindsided them with his announcement. Too bad because it started out STRONG. Season 1 was perfect in almost every way – the train running behind Scotland Yard, the way they captured the grittiness of 1882 London, the camera angles, the acting, the music, etc. The only weakness was the final plot. Who didn’t know Moses wasn’t going to be the bad guy in a script written in the 21st century? Glad he wasn’t because we got to keep him a while longer, but the way he was fingered meant there was only one person it could be, and that was before episode 6 even started. However, I digress. The series went downhill from an almost perfect season 1. Whatever the reason for the actor’s departure, whether he thought he had better opportunities, a dust-up between personalities, a personal situation, etc., one thing for certain is that it wasn’t for the reason they gave us (the character was all played out). Sorry I wasted the time.
Thank you for stating all of my exact thoughts and feelings so eloquently!!
I agree with the posts here. Ive been watching British TV- via PBS-for decades now,and this is the norm for them. Pretty soon, look for a US rendition of this series. The Brits do that a lot.
I agree with all comments. One reason I enjoy Masterpiece series is the way characters are developed. I hate that the vicars keep changing in Grantchester. The seasons are so short on most of the series so characters are very important if you want to keep an audience. It appears they are not interested in our loyalty.
Wait… the lead actor has his role in the title of the show, he breaks his commitment for something better and now the female actor is left to carry the show on her own… I’m going to cheer Kate Phillips on and wish her the best of success! Go Kate!
Re-“the lead actor has his role in the title of the show, he breaks his commitment for something better”
No one said the actor broke his commitment. I believe his contract ran out, and for whatever reason, it wasn’t renewed. The network also didn’t recast the role, which was an option. I’m all for supporting women, but I’m not continuing with a show that started with one main product (in this case, the dynamic between Miss Scarlet and the Duke as they both navigated their crime-ridden city) and then switched that main product over four seasons later. For me, it felt insulting, but other people’s mileage may vary.
Well said everyone. I was unhappy about how abruptly the Duke was eliminated! Specially since he’s so sexy and I enjoyed looking at him. The show will not be the same without him so I’m finished watching it.
The actor that played the Duke. Was such a stud!!! Should have been a James Bond…..
The whole “hook” of this shop was the sexual tension between the 2.
Will miss it!
i like all the actors so i will continue watching – of course i’ ll miss the duke but as life happens to many – relationships end and new ones begin
I hate that The Duke is leaving also. I love the show, with the Duke. I will watch the first show of season 5, then decide if I will watch the rest of the season.
So disappointed.. I’ve been eagerly awaiting next season and wtah? I mean no disrespect to Scarlet, as she is lovely but come on.. I missed Rupert as soon as he left and I adore Hattie but I really can’t move on without William.
It would have been great if they had Scarlett and the Duke marry for at least one romantic night. After that, the Duke could have received the offer to transfer to the States leaving Scarlett behind. Then they would have been able to end the marriage/relationship at a later date. It would have left the fans happier moving into the next season. Timing is important! Disappointed too!
“He felt that he’d taken the character as far as he could go, and that this would be the natural point for Duke to leave.” It wasn’t the show creator’s fault. It’s sad that you have decided not to watch it anymore. I am also disappointed; however, I have watched enough of these kinds of shows actors come and go all the time. I will watch season 5 and any others they might release. It will be interested to see what happens next without her connection to the police.
It would have been better to have killed him off. But I was really getting tired of the on/off dishonesty of their relationship.
I won’t be watching series 5 either, The Duke and his interaction with Scarlet was my whole reason for watching.
With him gone and the loss of their banter there no reason to watch it.
Really sad abd really annoying ending.
Would t it have been nice if there was more to their relationship—— a touching scene in the hospital instead of her yelling at him to wake up? A Victorian bath scene in one of those bed rooms in a tub? A spanking because Scarlett’s constantly embarrassed him and would never listen when her life would be in grave danger—-some hugs and kisses rather than him hissing her in the closing scene like he was kissing a wall. At least one time where she brought him some pleasure instead of her only thinking of the next case and herself?
I am 82 and could have written a better script!,,
Here! Here! They seemed to not care that we are particular when it comes to man in a cravat. If they weren’t able to stay with Stuart Martin and recasted with Hugh Jackman then all would be forgiven. But alas they didn’t take the viewers as being upset with their decision. And the “took the character as far as it could go” the exact phrase that was used with Theo James. Stopped watching Sandition as well after that. I am off to find my period drama fix elsewhere.
I personally think that Stuart Martin got tired of the “tease” of the potential physical relationship with Eliza. It had to either go forward or end. And for him to go to NY at the end on Season 4, supposedly because he loved her too much and couldn’t live without her made absolutely no sense.
I thought the chemistry between Eliza and the Duke was electric.
I’ll take a look at the first few episodes of Season 5….but I don’t have any great hopes.
You ARE NOT alone. It is the worst type of betrayal. I will not be watching it anymore.
Why is the volume so up and down???
For a professional TV Show it’s frustrating having to turn the volume up and down throughout a broadcast. Poor broadcasting seems to be the problem.
To be honest, I never really bought the relationship between Eliza and William. It was too confrontational and uncomfortable for me. I’m excited to see where the series goes without the burden of trying to focus on the prospect of a coupling or not. I’m much more interested in Eliza and how she progresses as an independent woman in a man’s world and profession.
I agree, Deb. I always saw the program as exploring a bright, ambitious female character’s choices and adventures in an earlier century. To me the Duke seemed more a secondary character enabling plotlines and some character interaction.
And in the season 5 previews that I have seen, there appears to be another male character to perhaps take on that type of role.
We’ll see!
I would completely agree that Eliza cannot be the pictures perfect wife/mother that William wanted but there was waaaay to much heat there to just write out that character. I just keep hoping he’ll come back at some point….or she’ll love to New York. I just can’t give up yet. I am enjoying season 5 and can see some other relationship possibilities but I’m much too invested in her relationship with William. If he is truly never coming back then they should have killed him off so we could all get closure and move on in the series.
I will watch Season 5, however I am highly disappointed and believe the decision makers will come to rue their insulting-to-the-viewers show change. Apparently they failed to realize we were given, via the title, an expectation which they then destroyed!
Here here!!!!!
Shame in PBS series, Miss Scarlet and Duke, for not following through producing this popular series I paid extra to watch in anticipation of William and Eliza finally figuring out how to marry/share/acknowledge the love they have always hadfor each other! I looked foRward to the series evolving into the confirmed love/living together and solving crimes together, or Eliza over Duke and his love for her allowing him to acknowledge this with her.
I agree. It’s messed up. They built the show up for 3/4 seasons. There is no show without the duke or a replacement. I’m not watching season 5. Either.
I agree. Not watching without the Duke. No way!
I think the Duke is crucial part of the show. You cannot write out a significant character. People are invested and want to see how the characters continue to grow and change. When you dump a main character you ruin it for the viewer or watcher. It feels like a betrayal to keep watching the show. Can’t do it!
I’m devastated as I too only watched the show due to the main focus on the Duke and Scarlet relationship; ever building and falling and building up again. What fun and banter it was to see along with the historical aspect and yet her strong independence and all the while her need for the Dukes help. You are one of two main characters on the show and then to think I’m going to watch this show without him, dam he is in the title of show! Now MIA? No thanks! What a total tease and so disappointing!!!
Oh, yes, I’m going to watch it. Duke will be just fine wherever he lands. Eliza is the reason I watch the show. Her character continues to grow and evolve in the series as she figures out how to work with a variety of men and succeed in her career despite the odds.
Not worth watching at all without the Duke. STUPID
I agree. It was expected, the flashbacks, the chemistry. They should end it or bring back the character. I won’t be watching it. It’s done well, all of it, but waiting four seasons just to have him leave is unacceptable.
You all better not start watching Grantchester! I was in love with the Vicar. Now they’re on their 3rd Vicar. 🤣
They should have wrapped up the series. The tension between characters Eliza and Wellington was smart and clever.
Agree wholeheartedly
Not sure I want to watch season 5 of the Duke is not in it or the two didn’t eventually end up together. I feel a little deceived. Very poor choice from PBS, very poor.
Everyone in our household was outraged at the bait-and-switch. We invested three seasons watching the show and then one of the title characters was just written out. The title suggested that it was about a relationship. We were also drawn to the storyline of a strong woman blazing trails. We assumed that Arabella’s sour grapes dig as she left the room would be proven wrong instead of foreshadowing. It ends up reinforcing the prejudice that ambitious women are selfish. As if she asked for too much while the Duke was just being a man. They could have opened a husband and wife private detective firm. We felt cheated and like we wasted hours of our time. We were rooting for the power of love.
Oh, it’s actually great that someone is as mad as I am about Duke being off the show! Admittedly, the actor who played the Duke was amazing in the role so maybe difficult to recast, but come on, this is Masterpiece! Really good actors would love to take on this part! What about the actor who played the younger Duke? He nailed it!! So, I’m out and feel totally cheated by the show’s switch to only Miss Scarlet. And the gaslighting didn’t help.
Agree with all of this!
No one’s ever happy with a recast but you’re right – it is the lesser of two evils. Otherwise it changes everything and it’s just not right anymore. Also sorry not related but since I’m already here, will there be any books outside of Cat/Bones’s story / Bones POV in the future? Maybe about their adopted daughter or a new character? Or a different UF world? 🥹
I’m finishing up a book now that’s set in a brand new paranormal world. I would also like to write about Katie when she’s older, and of course, other books in my vampire world. So, yes, more coming!
I’m so excited!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
After a million books, Bones is still my absolute favorite followed by Slade/Rip and Curran ~ I recommend Night Huntress in almost every thread and fb post around 🥹
I stopped watching after episode 4 for the exact same reasons you point out. We were led to believe all along this was an important relationship and then it just was dropped! Now it appears there’s a new handsome Scotland Yard guy stepping into the Duke’s role which will have the same back and forth (will they won’t they) situation as before. Maybe to appease those of us who dropped out? I don’t think I will watch. It gets tiresome.
I’m equally frustrated and not interested in season 5 without the Duke.
I have been watching for some time as well. Yes, without the Duke, not interested!! Bummer!!
I’m late to the dance, as it hadn’t dawned on me that he wasn’t just going to America, only to find out he’d made a mistake, and then returned to wear Miss Scarlett down, as they’d work together. I hate to say I won’t watch because I love when an intelligent, well written female character and actress carry a show so well. I also love many of the other cast members, sets, costumes and attention to detail. But I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under characters I was beginning to know and understand…as in Hotel Portofino or Beecham House. Many years ago there was an American Show with Rock Hudson (McMillan & Wife) where, in spite of some differences in age, and critics holding their breath, the show worked because they had that palpable sexual energy along with a lot of well written situations. Personally, I think they could well have had the Duke return from America partway through this season, only to persuade Scarlett to marry & to work together in a unique way as dual detectives, with such a great team of informants that they annoy the heck out of Scotland Yard. Sigh. So, the jury’s still out for me, but I’m still not excited at all about the new season.
The writers need to creat a show and name it —- I have taken the character as far as he can go and I have other commitments! This way all the actors who want to leave a show can have one of their own show! This is definitely a bait and switch tactic! The producers get you hooked on a series and then change the rules. Stupid!
And Scarlet should have loosened up a bit. Perhaps a Victorian bath tub scene where she baths him or more interaction during the hospital scene instead if her screaming at him to wake up. And when the house keeper tried to talk to him about Scarlet he said WHO. That was a stupid remark. She never takes off her corsets not even in her house. She could have put on some thing more casual for a short time or a nitie. Again the sexual attraction could have gone a bit further rather than that closing kiss which was like he was kissing a wall. Why would any one keep watching the show. And where is Moses? Why would any one continue watching the show after all the important actors leave. And he left to do another show where the F word was every other word in the show. Duscusting!
I’m livid about Stuart leaving. I understand that actors get their “big breaks” by playing roles like this but when they leave without bringing their character to a sensible conclusion (i.e. built up the Dukes character to finally be with Eliza), is just heartbreaking to those who watched them and supported them so that they could get those “big breaks”. My heart is broke. Shame on you Stuart.
Nowhere does it say he’s leaving for “bigger projects” or a different career path. Not a fan of people immediately jumping to that conclusion and blaming the actor when it hasn’t been stated anywhere. If you listen to the podcast(s) it sounds like creative differences were the reason for his decision to leave. Him being missing from four episodes for the past two seasons wasn’t likely due to scheduling conflicts either since he wasn’t shooting anything at the time (and really, they could have adjusted filming for a titular character if that were the case). It feels like his character got sidelined throughout the seasons so Eliza gets a chance to explore screen time with other characters (“to keep things fresh”) and that’s probably also why they had an easier time letting him go instead of trying to work it out. Many statements have been made that suggest that he didn’t really want to leave and that the writers were running out of ideas to explore his character any further (writers even said they’ve had a hard time coming up with excuses for the characters to work cases together…I mean???). He says that he felt like he had taken his role as far as he could and that he left for the longevity of the show so Eliza can grow. And considering how they handled his character lately and wrote him into a corner, it makes sense for him to come to that conclusion. He was a huge advocate for the William/Eliza relationship and made some things happen that we as fans, according to him, probably would have never gotten to see on the show otherwise (even if he had stayed). The writers never really seemed too keen on bringing the two leads together (any time soon or at all). They would have dragged the relationship on for another couple of seasons, and a HEA was never confirmed apparently. Now they are gaslighting the fans stating “it probably wouldn’t have worked out anyway”… There’s lots of other stuff that doesn’t add up, but the assumption that he left to further is career is in doubt.
I assumed the actor went on to “bigger and better” roles because I remember reading that there were scheduling conflicts. However, assumption isn’t fact, so I amended my post to take that sentence out. Even with in it, I never was blaming the actor, though. I consider it the showrunner’s failure not to secure his role for season 5. As I said in the post, if they couldn’t make it work with him, then recasting the role was the better choice (imo) than pretending that the Duke’s character wasn’t integral to the show. After four years, taking him out and changing the show’s name from “Miss Scarlet and the Duke” to merely “Miss Scarlet” felt very much like a bait-and-switch to me.
Stuart Martin left because he has other projects, he did Rebel Moon parts 1 and 2 in 2023 and 24 in between Miss Scarlet. That “he felt like he had taken his role as far as he could and that he left for the longevity of the show” comment is total bollocks. He was a lead character, which holds a lot of weight with the writers and the writers could easily have given him great storylines, but his foot was already out the door, by choice, in season 3. The show had gotten him what he wanted a look in by directors. His choice was about career advancement, not about stepping away so the show could bloom. He’s a great actor and easy on the eye, but he’s wrecked this show by leaving. When a main character leaves and a show continues the viewing figures drop sharply and it rarely gets another season. My guess is that it will end by season 5. I didn’t even bother finishing season 4 because we’d been led on by 4 seasons of unresolved sexual tension and flashbacks to then have the relationship dropped. I feel cheated. I’m done.
You are 100% right on this! Totally agree with you . . . Eliza has more chemistry with Det. Fitzroy, her partner, Clarence and frankly with Patrick Nash than she does with this new guy (yeah, I know, early days). But ‘the Duke’ – oh my! Whenever they were in a scene together – I swear – talk about chemistry!! Sizzling . . !! And they were just plain ‘cute’ together:)
Oh – and by the way – *this is pretty trivial – but PLEASE get rid of the white roses outside of Eliza’s place (at least I think they are roses) – ALL year round? Oh come on . . .
I noticed that too! In the past they were always white mums, but they seem to be roses now. Nit-picking it’s true, but they had not managed to hybridize ever-blooming roses in Victorian days, and big mums like that have a short blooming season. If you are into ornamental horticulture, it’s always funny to see shows which are supposed to be set in the past using modern hybrid versions of flowers in their set designs.
Omg, I am horrified to learn he’s been written out!! Ugh! I thought it was just a plot device for this season to keep the tensions up. Blech 🤢
Tbh I’ve been getting more and more annoyed with the show season two and beyond. Eliza is becoming one-dimensional in her single-mindedness and what is quickly becoming emotional narrowness. The Duke has evolved much more than she has. He’s willing to open up and try and while I loved the show to start and especially their chemistry, their relationship has become stagnant. She’s also become sort of smug in a weird way, I think because the ends justify the means with her. She thinks she is a paragon of integrity and she’s not. She routinely and repeatedly uses and lies to the people in her life like the Duke when she wants something. I almost lost my s*** when she said to her business partner he was the only one who’d ever believed in her. Um, what?? That totally dismissed Ivy, Duke, even her father. I also really don’t like the tack that a “strong woman” is only one who puts her career above all else. Eliza’s inability to be emotionally vulnerable and love freely is a weakness, not a strength.
I am also SO gutted over this. I’ve never had a bait and switch such as that pulled on me by a show before. Four seasons would have been a perfectly reasonable amount of episodes to bring the relationship arc and show to a satisfying end if one of the main characters had to leave. The switch up cheapens the storytelling and I’m sure they know it, hence the defensiveness. Horrible decision on their part, and I don’t feel bad for complaining because if you don’t care about your viewership why would I care about your show? Especially since you’ve told me a four season story arc of a relationship doesn’t matter and wasn’t the point. Yeah, sure.
The main reason I watched the show was the duke! He is handsome and sexy. Scarlet could at times be too overbearing. Would have preferred more emphasis on the characters rather than the weekly mystery..Had hopes for their relationship, working together. Well, that is no more, am done with the show. Stunned how the writers could drastically change the tenor of the show and expect people to watch!
I am also a huge fan of the show. The scheduling conflict doesn’t really make sense considering they just sent inspector Wellington to America. So they could have kept him there until his “Scheduling Conflict” was over and then bring him back to the show.
I just wish they would be upfront and honest.
It wasn’t just ‘scheduling conflict’. It seems Stuart Martin was using the show as a step on the ladder, and he got that step up by being offered a good part in Rebel Moon part 1 in 2023 and part 2 in 2024. I feel cheated by the flashbacks at the start of season 4 which lead us to believe that finally, after years of secret adoration their relationship would come to fruition. It’s a cruel bait and switch.
This reminds me of two 1980s series with similar issues.
1) MOONLIGHTING — The dance that the creators put the two main characters through to get them together decreased the quality of the scripts, in addition to the show always being behind schedule (it never filmed the full slate of hour-long episodes that others did). When Dave and Maddie finally consummated their relationship, the ratings went downhill, and the program was canceled. The will-they-or-won’t-they aspect got silly after a while.
2) BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — The Beauty of the title (Catherine) was killed off at the beginning of Season 3, sending The Beast (Vincent) on a revenge spree; the complete opposite of the series’ original atmosphere. It turned out that while the part had been specifically written for Linda Hamilton, she never intended to stay long, which didn’t sit well with the cast and crew. The show was canceled at the end of Season 3. Lessons: Never take a supposedly long-term acting job and then mess up the project by leaving, and never write something with a particular actor in mind without a back-up plan.
I’m so glad I found this blog because I agree with everything you said!! I cannot believe I invested 4 years into this show only to be given…whatever the heck that ending was.
I knew that this show was going to be slow burn, but sheesh, how was I supposed to know it would fizzle out before it even burned? By season 3 you could tell William’s story was already going nowhere.
What happened was exactly as I feared and hoped wouldn’t happen. Rachel New has constantly made a line between work and love and it was clear that Eliza would definitely pick the former. It took her 4 seasons to get them to end up together??? And even then she probably did that because Stuart said he was going to leave. God knows how many seasons she would have stretched out that “will they, won’t they” bit. Anyway, Eliza’s new romance is probably with Nash and I will NOT be there to see it. Can’t believe a writer would crash and burn her own series like this.
By season 3 Stuart Martin already had one foot out of the door as he was filming Rebel Moon part 1. And so the writers did their best to keep things ticking along knowing that one of their leads was going to bail on them. It’s such a shitty position for the showrunners to be put in by an actor who put his thirst for fame before the show. The writers could have dealt with it differently though. There are lots of amazing, hot Scottish actors who could have been recast as William. I can’t forgive them for the flashback story at the start of season 4. It lead us to believe that after years of secret longing, they’d be getting together. We were lied to. I can’t stand the Nash character, so I’m out!
They should have just ended with Season 4. When Nash goes to jail, have Eliza decide to go to NY to see William. THE END. Then we can at least believe there’s a possible happy ending.
I totally agree with the majority of these articles. The show went from an anticipated must watch during season one and two, to a feeling of unease about the way the story-lines were going in season three and a slowly growing dislike of Eliza Scarlet’s narrowness of focus and lack of emotional honesty. Season four gave me, at first, a bit of hope for better days coming, but that soon faded to constant WTF questions. The ending result, by the time arrived, was expected and disappointing. The announcements/commentary from the show runners concerning the future of the show was disappointing and to me, obtuse.
Anyway, bottom line, I’m not going to watch season 5.
For a woman who loved her father and seemed teachable and curious throughout most of her life; Scarlet certainly turned extremely self-centered and nearly narcissistic in her refusal to apologize for hurting the duke or even grateful for the love he offered her. Most people will admit that love is the greatest gift we can offer and receive in this life. Love given in sacrifice and received in gratitude is the storyline of tears and cheers. But, Scarlet refuses a man who gets her, who respects her, who admires her, who would give his life to protect her, and accommodate his work to include, support, and honor her. I say she gets what she gets. How many men like does she think she will find in the 19th century? How many would she find in this one?
As an independent, self-providing mother of three women, I am all for women pursuing their passion, especially when it is in pursuit of making this world a better place. But Scarlet only wants to make her own myopic world a better one. It’s not drivenness and I can’t admire it because now she has just become downright self-absorbed.
Scarlet has become like the men in her society she has fought so hard against – a person who can’t see the value of the another person and then make choices to see them flourish. It’s so disgusting that the writers could not create a story where the Duke and Scarlett can flourish. She is not as independent or victorious as the righters might wish to promote. She is still stuck. Stuck fighting alone. Stuck being alone. Stuck mirroring male superiority. Instead of her gentleness and femininity matching and complimenting Duke’s own strengths, instead of creatively solving problems together, even that of their relationship and work -Scarlet’s stubborn indecision cost her a valuable man and maybe the only man who would willingly put up with her stubbornness, respect and value her.
She became so narrow-minded at the end of season 4. She was not as teachable as her father thought her to be. She was not as soft-hearted and with equally matching strength that we all thought she was. Instead, she became a cold-hearted woman who’s thinks her work is something she will still have in old age and take with her to her death. If that weren’t true, then wisdom (gained by listening to others) would help her embrace what she will have as memories and can take with her as she dies, love.
Like you, I won’t be watching. The writers will end up with what Scarlett ended up with – nothing. Their writing was not modern because modern would have solved problems and found solutions. Scarlett will thus remain like so many women in that time – stuck. And I don’t blame Martin for moving on. Scarlett didn’t want the Duke – and so the Duke leaves with self-respect and can pursue life and love among people who actually give a damn about the love he has to offer.
Hear, HEAR! ❤️ your thoughtful entry and completely concur!
I am surprised that so many people will not give season 5 a chance instead of refusing to watch after season 4. The actor chose to leave after season 4 so the creator’s had to take the show to a new level. This happens a lot for British tv series and movie series. I have seen them cancel shows even when they shows were very popular. I will be surprised if there is a season 6 though. I’ll give it a go when released. It is sad though because I enjoyed the relationship between them.
I am, also, very disappointed that the Duke will no longer be in the show! I guess we’re supposed to think that winning in your career makes love unnecissary, but it’s not true, especially as you get older! I, also, think they should have ended the show, with Season Four, with the Duke and Eliza getting togther. I’m sorry to say that the shows, in the past, that he wasn’t in, were boring! They say that she will have romance, and that we have already seen the man. So, that probably means Nash! Nothing against the actor, but Eliza and Nash have no “chemistry”, so their relationship will, probably, not seem rewarding! Since there’s very little, of interest, to watch on TV, I will probably watch the show, but I’m afraid it will be disappinting!
I found out about this show when I stopped watching Bridgerton S3. Someone had recommended other shows and this was one of them. I LOVE this series. When I found out the Duke was gone, I almost cried. I also read that Moses was gone also, which I hate.
Watching all 4 seasons, I noticed that Eliza has lost some appeal. In her effort to succeed, she’s so entrenched in her own beliefs that she’s no longer as fun to watch and has become a bit annoying.
I really hope that Stuart Martin left by choice and was not written out. I understand as an actor, you have to take any opportunities that come your way. In a long running series, an actor always risks being known as that one popular character they had played early in their career. Think of the stars of Modern Family. After that show ended, I really haven’t seen the actors on other projects. If he was written off, that would be a betrayal to fans.
I’m happy the writers aren’t recasting the Duke. It wouldn’t be right to see someone else playing the part. And had Stuart Martin stayed, how would the series look if Eliza and the Duke became romantic? The tension that was a huge part of the show would be missing which would be strange to me.
Although I’m not happy, I will give the show a chance and watch Season 5 because I’m curious to see how the new Inspector will fit in.
The actors are both terrific and I watched the show for their relationship. They were each other’s foils, best friends, and loves interests. I was bored whenever they weren’t in scenes together because their chemistry was amazing. I’m with you. Not watching anymore. It’s just not interesting any longer. I didn’t like season 4. He was gone too much.
But you see, I began to dislike Miss Scarlet. She was all too condescending, insulting, a liar, untrustworthy and to me did not know real love. I liked the Duke. He had integrity, sensitivity and throughout the episodes I watched, Miss Sarket had none of those traits. By the time Arabella came into the picture, I was happy for him. Since it seems he doesn’t end with Arabella, the Duke leaving entirely is just as good. Stuart Martin has a wonderful career ahead of him. I stopped watching the show in the middle of season 3 when I heard he was leaving after season 4. I found very little likable about Eliza Scarlet, to little to watch her alone.
I was sad to hear that the Duke for series 5, as I love the relationship between him and Eliza. I’m glad they’re not going for a recast though. I am excited to see how they develop the series as Miss Scarlet, I think this gives them more freedom to explore different storylines for Eliza. As Duke said, this will give her a chance to work out what she wants for herself and to really become her own woman. And who knows what could happen in the future……
Kudos for this commentary so SPOT on! I’ve read a number of the responses and am in TOTAL agreement with the Duke’s departure should have been on a better note from what we were LED to invest in! I haven’t viewed the show since the news of Stuart Martin’s leaving – I don’t know maybe the showrunners thought we wouldn’t be upset on the “principle” of the matter.
I agree, this show was a “look forward each week’ moment. My husband and I love the interaction with Scarlet and the Duke but also Moses. Now neither are coming back?! I like Scarlet but I just dont think the vibe will be the same without them.
I’m So glad you posted this rant!! I love what you’ve written and agree with you and pretty much what everybody else says as well.
Even before they officially announced Martin’s departure, my husband had said it’s just not as interesting without the Duke and neither of us like the character of Nash which they seem to be forcing onto viewers
Whatever the reasoning is, they definitely should’ve just recast him Yes, it’s not great solution but definitely better than writing him out completely and bringing in some new “attractive” guy.
I decided immediately that I won’t be watching the next season, which I would have had they just recast him. I may have done so reluctantly but I would’ve stuck with the series.
Now, it has Lost all its appeal to me.
Thank you for this Post and thank you to your followers for validating how we’ve been feeling
I agree that one of the most egregious examples of masterpiece or whoever is the production company was cancelling Beecham House— It was not a standalone season by any means.
I too was Displeased about Theo James not coming back to Sanditon but given how long it took for them to bring it back — And I’m so glad they did — It was really understandable what they did with Miss Scarlet and the Duke Is basically begin to write him out of the fourth season and then drop the ball that he was leaving the show.
ARGH. So disappointing and frustrating. I think I’m going to wait to start a series on PBS Until I know for sure that it’s going to have a complete show, like The Durrells.
I agree. What a stupid decision.
I noticed they’ve dropped the air date for season 5. Not sure there’s any hope for it after they had the rug pulled out from under them last season, but it’ll be interesting to see if they can make the new storyline believable. Let’s see, after 4 seasons of implying the lead characters had been circling each other for a good 10 years, just months after he goes to NY, she has her eye on someone else. That might make her even less likable than she already is. I think they need to kill off William for that to have any chance of working. Judging from online comments, women in particular liked the William character, probably because he was dreamed up by a woman, so the new male character will probably be likable, too. I’ll watch the first episode to see if they can salvage it. Need to add some complexity to the plots, too.
Now it’s “Miss Scarlet without the Duke” I never got the feeling that anyone involved with the show was ever entirely sure what it was about. I sure had a hard time following it. It was almost a relief for the Duke to head for NY.
I just received a tease that the trailer for Season 5 is available, so I found myself typing a search for “is anyone going to watch Season 5” and found this post/comments. I’m not (going to watch 5). I agree with the one commenter that basically said she doesn’t deserve the Duke and what he did was healthy for him.
Her father took the “poor kid” in and he fell for the daughter and Duke was the bad boy (so to speak) she’d never known in her circles at school. His street smarts and honesty keep her somewhat in check and she’s intrigued.
At first, I was mad Duke was leaving, but then realized Duke’s always loved someone whose love was not quite unrequited but certainly not equal. He was warned by his ex-girlfriend who Eliza really was/is, and was smart enough to know, that it was time to tell Eliza, and I think in a way, throwing out that last hope that she’d respond in kind, but was also in that place of finally facing that it wasn’t going to be what he had hoped. I think most of us have been down that path in our lifetime and know the only solution is letting go and that requires distancing. Although Duke doesn’t see Eliza looking out the window, we do, and in that scene is when you know Duke did the right thing. Her face is not full of conflicted emotions…and we see the true Eliza.
Eliza is not someone I’d want to be friends with, so I won’t watch her going down new romantic teasing paths, even if it is with Nash or in professional ones where the new superintendent sees her solving things as a value. She’s petulant, superior and self absorbed. No relationship will thrive in that except perhaps a parental one like she has with her housekeeper/second mother. And honestly as her housekeeper marries, I’m not sure how Eliza will handle that either.
I’d like to see her older and wiser realizing the choices she made to break barriers.
We’re grateful to women who made those choices. Who break barriers often resulting in lives none of us envy. But “Scarlet” doesn’t have that same “hero” ? sense, she feels stubborn and rebellious and mostly shallow only noticing when she feels hurt or put down.
Obviously I was invested in the characters and I have seen the will they/wont they play out and often it doesn’t work. It’s either dragged on too long or ruins the show. If Stuart had to leave (for whatever reason), I think that Eliza should have had a relationship with the Duke, probably a marriage so she wouldn’t lose her respectful standing, got pregnant and somewhere in there Duke gets killed. She gives birth to a daughter and raises her. Both of these life events matures her but she becomes more determined for a world where her daughter can be more. We could accept she’d find love again and she’d become someone you would want as a friend. I have no desire to watch her be old and alone as though there is no path for a woman except one or the other. I think they ruined growing Scarlet into a grown up with real heart and not just an annoying rebel. Just my two cents.
Eloquently nuanced. Thank you.
I am done with the series. I watched for the Duke. Show means nothing to me now!
I’ll be damned if I watch Season 5 Either. The series need some romance!!!
I agree with everything said here. I absolutely adored the series. I love the gradual progression of their partnership to romance, and just when it was starting to get going suddenly the Duke started disappearing for an episode at a time. In my opinion, all of these episodes that he was not in, were terrible…. To the point that I started doing other things while I was watching them.. I wish that they had figured out a conclusion so that the two characters could be happy together, which was the whole underlying plot of the show while solving murders side-by-side. Personally, I will not be continuing this which makes me really sad because I loved the show for what it was when it was honest about what it was.. let’s face it, This is not a dark and grizzly BBC murder mystery. This is a lighthearted period piece & romantic romp with a side of crime.
True! I don’t pay for passport so I have to stick it out one week at a time. I just saw there was no more Duke and am crushed. The name of the show included him. Their romance was a huge part of the storyline each week. I’m so disappointed they could not negotiate another season with Stewart Martin. 💔
I watched the first 2 episodes of season 5. They were still good, but I miss The Duke! PBS Masterpiece I pay for a subscription to watch my favorite series and you keep ruining them. I don’t know if I will watch the rest of the season. So disappointed!
I felt similarly, but decided to give season 5 a chance. Glad I did. I’d rather have some of Miss Scarlett than lose the whole show. It’s still worth watching. No Duke necessary!
I am sad to see that so many of these viewers are just watching this show to see the romance of the Miss Scarlett and the Duke. The show was entertaining to me because Miss Scarlett is an independent female navigating life in a time when men literally ruled every position of power and influence. The character of Miss Scarlett is the lead and the Duke has turned out to be a supporting character. He has taught her many things and has his own drama to work through. Let him do it. I applaud the writers, directors, actors and the massive amount of staff that it takes to put on a production like this for sticking with Miss Scarlett and letting her tell her story. I have watched the first two episodes and have already been impressed that they have given her interaction with the new inspectors daughter. Seeing her character dealing with a young child that could possibly be another female for her to teach and build in this male dominated cast and I look forward to the possibilities. Love interest or not Scarlett has to persevere in her life just like the rest of us residing in the real world. Don’t punish the cast and crew of this delightful production because of the decision of one man or a few executives. Give them a chance and lets see what I single woman can do in this mans world. ❤️
Don’t fret, it won’t make it to a sixth season. It will suck balls and get cancelled and the producers won’t care a bit.
I admit that I was upset that the Duke was so abruptly eliminated and started watching season 5 with a mindset to be disappointed. But by the 4th episode, I was intrigued and by the final episode, I am looking forward to the next season. The relationship with Eliza and the Duke was boring me. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
Very very upset! I loved the “will they or wont they” dance.
I was also shocked when I found out last year that Stuart Martin was leaving Miss Scarlett & the Duke, but if you look at the story line, their love interest plot was going nowhere, in large part because his character was very much a man of his era, and her working at anything, let alone as a private investigator, was something he wouldn’t have allowed if they had married (or even had an affair, which she wouldn’t have agreed to). So they were kind of written into a corner. We have PBS Passport, so we’ve started watching Season 5, and so far, it’s really good. That’s all I’ll say, other than the new DI Alexander Blake, played by Tom Durant Pritchard is a very different character from Stuart Martin’s The Duke, is quite watchable and a very good actor.
I actually thought the story line with the Duke was being dragged out and I got bored in season 4. I originally wasn’t gonna watch season 5 because it was getting dull and the Duke was gone, but there’s been nothing on TV, so I gave it a go. I was surprised that it recaptured my attention specifically because of the new inspector. For me, his relationship with Eliza made more sense. He reads her like a book, he’s more mature and grounded, he’s incredibly perceptive, and honestly, just a better match for Eliza. Inspector Blake feels like a man and makes the Duke seem more like a boy – like her first love. The Duke is hot, but in terms of character, Inspector Blake is a better match for her, and she doesn’t seem to hesitate around him. I like the direction it’s going, especially in terms of the potential for Eliza’s future professional endeavors, so I hope it gets renewed! Watch before you hate on it.
Tom Durant Pritchard is a fine actor and very easy on the eyes. If there never was a “Duke’, I could easily have enjoyed a romance between Inspector Blake and Scarlet.
However, there was a “Duke” and his relationship with Eliza was strong. They had a history. The episode where we got to see how it began was one of the best of the entire series. And now he is gone.
We are not to believe Scarlet could easily forget him and form feelings for another when viewers of the show like me cannot.
The writers are trying to get away with taking the easy way out but substituting one man for another and hoping it works.
It doesn’t.
Agreed!! She was hardly even sad he wasn’t coming back! She was so hurt when he left. Us viewers can’t be fooled.
This is a show about a woman detective trying to make it in a Victorian world that is opposed to women taking independent roles. It still is and I will be excitedly watching. The first season Eliza wasn’t a very good detective and was constantly being shown up by the Duke. In the second season she started showing real skills. As we went into seasons three and four it became clear that she was beginning to outpace him and, if anything, he was holding her back. Her chance to run the larger agency allowed her to make mistakes and also to grow and develop as a better detective and person.
I can’t wait to see Eliza’s continued growth and emergence as a great detective. I never saw this as a romance show, but rather as a mystery show, and frankly saw the whole romantic angle rather annoying, especially after he got involved with the other woman. Frankly, I’ve enjoyed her relationship with Nash, even just as friendly rivals, more, since he is the only male character that seems to really appreciate her for who she is.
I can’t watch. So weird. The new man is interesting. But he may leave at any moment. I can’t get invested in characters if they are not sticking around. I really thought they were a team.
I agreed with everything you said in your rant…..until I watched season 5 on PBS passport and absolutely loved it and the new inspector. My husband and I have watched Miss Scarlet and the Duke since the first season so we were both disappointed when Stuart Martin and his character the Duke left the series …but we both agree we think we like the new inspector even better! Now I only hope that rants like these won’t hurt ratings and keep us from seeing season six because oh my goodness, I can’t wait to follow their story!
I see a lot of finger pointing at PBS. But you know of course that PBS does not make the show. They do not make ANY production decisions for script writing, casting, etc. They buy British productions for Masterpiece and other series. This is co-produced by A+E International and Element 8 Entertainment and made in the UK. It is aired in the UK first and then purchased by other countries to air.
Noooooo! I am just tuning in for the much anticipated new season only to find the Duke is missing from Miss Scarlet AND THE DUKE. No. No. No!! I hope that whatever the actor went on to is worth the tears and huge disappointment of this fan. Plenty of series have led us through similar romances from Moonlighting to Bones but with the happy ending we want. Fleeing to America was also how romance was squelched in Silent Witness. What is wrong with the BBC?? If there is no supper for tears, I will just go to bed hungry. 😭😭😭
Those of you who can’t buh-leeve that Martin, being a MAIN character, has disappeared from the show must be awfully young. I guess none of you have watched reruns of ‘Cheers,’ or the first runs ‘Downton Abbey,’ ‘Two and a Half Men’, the first season of ‘Game of Thrones,’ or ‘Call the Midwife.’? If you’re too young to have watched a single episode of G.O.T., S 1, you are just out of the cradel and still don’t know much. You might like go back and try those oldies but goodies from the Early Days of Television; you’ll learn lots of cool stuff about contemporary culture and how different it is from the America your parents grew up in, or if not them then your grandparents, most of them born well after the end of WWII.
Hey Sarah! I’m the original poster, and I am an Old :). My qualifications for being an Old are that I can remember when there was only about five networks on TV, and they all shut off at the same time, leaving nothing but static on until the next morning (I’ll wait while everyone under 40 screams “What? NO!) And though I am VERY out of the cradle, have watched all of GAME OF THRONES, and even used to watch CHEERS when it was live, The Duke’s exit ticked me off. As my post said, I think they should have recast the role rather than take his character out. The show was called MISS SCARLET **AND** THE DUKE. Had it been called MISS SCARLET all along, I would have had nothing to say because then it wouldn’t have felt like false advertising the prior seasons. It’s like if Starsky and Hutch (yes, I’m old enough to have watched this, too!) had gotten rid of Hutch four seasons in and just said, “Eh, the show was mainly about Starsky, anyway” I would have been mad about that, too. As I said in my post, it felt like a bait-and-switch. To everyone who likes season 5 just as much (or more!) without the Duke, I can honestly say that I am happy for you. But, I felt cheated, so I won’t be watching. *shrug* My viewing time, my decision. Thanks!
I agree and relate. I understand writers surprising viewers and leading them in a unsuspected direction. But, in this case, it is disappointing and very misleading (and I have not watched over 4 years like most as I discovered the serie in 2024 and bingewatch it). By most TV critics and viewers feedbacks I read, a large majority where hooked on this romantic duo and profound love story. Writers should have realised the chemistry they had, which does not always happen so naturaly in every serie, and adapt their vision. Not to mention that Stuart Martin really plays very well his character, hence the more balanced roles between the two leads.
William The Duke could have jumped to the Home Office or a special task force in Scotland Yard or whatever after returning from NYC (social climbing from him would be nice too) Eliza could also have started realising that she is never that alone between a lover/protector (the Duke), a substitue mother/maid (Ivy), allies (Moses, Nash, Fitzroy…) who most of the time come to her rescue. All of them ! Eliza is even kind of looking for such protection in S5E2 by confiding to Inspector Blake, a total stranger, that the Guild threatened her. Well, if you are an independent woman, you deal with it without confiding in someone you met 2 minutes ago if that what disturbs you with The Duke. She could also start realising that most of the time she is quite self-absorbed and centered, which naturaly happened when you have been like her an outcast and pushing society boundaries. Maybe here lies a bit of introspection between the woman in love and the professional. Besides, you can be ambitious while preserving the interests of people you love and love you. The Duke has absolutely no one except her, which also sometimes can be forgotten, and can explain is desire to protect her. Would you let someone you love facing the dangers of London 18th century streets without wanting to protect them ? Those were very violent times in the streets. Also, I disagree that the Duke was as traditional of a man as I read in some comments : Arabela was working, he stayed home when Eliza worked and was fine with it, he gave Eliza job opportunities, he was ready to change job, he always supported Eliza after S1 when he realized he could honor her father memory while respecting her strong wish to become a detective. The fact that he wants a wife and children does not make him traditional to the point of being unsupportive of Eliza’s ambitions (again he is an orphan from a work house….that might also give you the wish and need for a family and a home, which can also be heard and taken into consideration if you love someone). By the way, they would have a maid and cook, thus no problem with Eliza’s inability to cook.
I think they should have leave the door open, negotiate is return in s6 or so or stop the serie. Again, I previoulsy stated in one of my comments, this binear vision of strong women is tiring (successful and alone vs. in love but sacrifying ambitions).
Anyway. Time to disengage.
Lastly, nice to see so many people interested and engaged. Apparently, we all like, crave and want beautiful love stories ! At least, I realized with this one that I do !
To more beautiful stories to watch !
Sigh. I always get to worked up when I write a post. I meant ‘cradle’ and ‘first runs of “Downton Abbey.’
I felt he was a huge part of the show. It will not be the same abd noone can fill his shoes on many levels!!!!!! I wish him good luck in all his new ventures. Watching 1st episode of new season. Will see what I think and let you know when it is over!!!!!!
I felt he was a huge part of the show. It will not be the same abd noone can fill his shoes on many levels!!!!!! I wish him good luck in all his new ventures. Watching 1st episode of new season. Will see what I think and let you know when it is over!!!!!!
At first I wasn’t happy about the change, but I liked Episode 1 of Season 5. I don’t mind the Duke leaving because I never felt he and Eliza had what it takes to make a good match. She disregarded his concerns too often. I actually liked her with Patrick better. I still wish they would end up as the match, but it will probably won’t happen.
I liked her dynamic with Nash too. In the long run, he showed her more respect than the Duke ever did. And although he was also strong-willed, he was considerably less stubborn than the Duke was too. The scene where they talk about which cane he should choose was one of my favorites of the whole series.
Sad to hear how sour-grapes some of the comments here are, because if the rest of the season is anything like this first new episode, they’ll be missing out on more wonderful girl-power entertainment.
And really, what did Nash do to deserve his new lodgings ?
Speaking as a guy, I was bummed that the Duke left too. But I think we have to remember Rachel New, and her ability to create interesting stories and characters – As a writer, I can’t imagine that she’ll let us down.
And to tell the truth, I was getting irritated by …nothing of real romantic substance happening between her and the Duke. I don’t think I could have stood another year of the two of them dancing around the whole subject.
As others have said, her interactions with all of the different male characters in the show is a really big of the series, so I don’t mind it that now there’s a new inspector for her to bounce off of. In the same way I enjoyed it when they introduced Nash.
Personally I’m voting for Fitzroy, although I know that’s unlikely to happen. 😉
I haven’t seen season 5 yet but I am reluctant to do so. My favorite character was the Duke and despite understanding that he apparently had other roll which conflicted, I agree the part should have been recast. Now for why that was not done. All along, there was never meant to be a love interest between the two leads. I read comments by the writer who seemed insulted that fans wanted that. She only wanted it to be a great mystery show so she did everything to not allow them together despite their chemistry being off the charts. Thing is, she played us. When he played along and proposed to her in the jewelry shop, we could see he was not fooling. The Duke did love her and she put that scene in there just to drive the knife into all the fans who wanted them together, knowing he would be gone.
En point, Sir!
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Not only do I agree with all points you made, but to punish women for being good at their careers and being feisty by denying them love is just another shade of patriarchal bullcrap. I wish I could find the article I once read about how many adventure and action movies and books kill women characters off who have had sex or are happily in love. Ditto. Bull, bull, bull. They ruined what would have been my favorite TV of all time and telling people not to care about relationships is just dumb. Grow up. Relationships and marriage are a part of real life and always will be, and this shows sends the message you can’t have both empowerment and romance.
I’m totally with you. I’m not watching season 5, either. I even recommended that my mom only watch the first season as it’s easy to assume afterwards that they are together and stay that way.
Money runs everything sad to say. They had chemistry which I don’t see in this series. And what happened to the wonderful Jamaican character ? Bloody hell, let us down like this again and you will lose your audience.
I miss the comfortably entertaining cast of characters we had been delightfully watching weave their unique, colorful tones under the deftly scripted tutelage of Rachael New and Ben Edwards.
The loss of “Moses” and “Duke” leaves unusually large frayed rips in the finely woven fabric of what previously was “Miss Scarlet and the Duke”. There was great chemistry simmering there although the writers seemed to pull those reins ever so tightly in hand over allowing the main characters, Eliza and William, to further the emotional tension before dropping the prospect of any further development altogether by shipping Wellington off to the Colonies.
I’ll probably rewatch the first 4 seasons, eventually, but I fervently hope whomever it was that decided to torpedo the core ensemble as it was, sees the ensuing episodic fragments implode quickly so as to give the remaining talented actors leave while they have a resumé that foretells of better times ahead rather than of a somber, listing ship at low tide.