Hi there! I have been meaning to do a new blog post all month, but things kept getting in the way. Then, I *had* to do posts for ApollyCon’s author spotlight, so I thought, why not cross-post those blogs here? And why not add some giveaways since it’s been a while since I’ve done blog contests?
Therefore, for the next month, I will be doing giveaways every week on my blog. So, be sure to check back for fun chats plus your chance to win books or egift cards!
Let’s start with our first chat and giveaway. It’s about the ultimate bad boys, a.k.a. villains to heroes. Ah, bad boys. They’re that irresistible combination of danger plus a lot of fun, but what if they started out as the villain? What if you hated them the first time you saw them? How far would they have to come before you’d give them a shot?
Enter Ian, a vampire with a devil-may-care attitude, no morals, and a tendency to make bad situations worse if he thought it would be funny. I actually intended to kill Ian off when I first started writing about him because he was one of that book’s two villains. But, Ian made it through, and slowly started showing me that he was hiding a noble side under all that debauchery and troublemaking. Eventually, I gave Ian his own series, and of course, I had to pair Ian up with someone who was more than his match. That first book was called SHADES OF WICKED, and BOOKLIST magazine said this about it:
“The legion of fans for Frost’s super popular, darkly twisted Night Huntress titles will be thrilled by the first book in her Night Rebel series… Wild, magically enhanced sex and bloody, bone-pulverizing battles will keep readers turning the pages.”
That remains one of my favorite quotes of all time because “Wild, magically enhanced sex and bloody, bone-pulverizing battles” isn’t just a book endorsement. It also sounds like a slightly twisted version of life goals .
Who’s your favorite villain-to-hero in books, tv, or movies? Each person who replies will be entered to win one of the two prizes I’m giving away for this post.
Prize 1: A $15 Amazon egift card (open to US readers only.)
Prize 2: Any book from the Night Rebel series, winner’s choice which. This part is open to international readers as well as US readers. Books in that series are: SHADES OF WICKED, WICKED BITE, WICKED ALL NIGHT

Contest starts NOW and ends on Thursday, April 25th. Winners will be announced in a separate blog post on Friday, April 26th.
Good luck!
Angel from Buffy
Yesss that’s a great one but Spike is more a villain then Angel. From Buffy but also I absolutely love Ian in this series. I mean his introduction in the brothel..LEGENDARY. So Ian and Spike from Buffy would be my choices.
Ok let’s be honest here (and it’s kinda questionable because he is more of a anti-hero) but Loki is my all time favorite villain turned “hero”. Absolutely love himmmmm ❤️
Spike from Buffy. He also narrates the Dresden Files. Yummy!
I love the Dresden files😌💋
Dexter Morgan from TV series Dexter
The Corinthian (from Sandman, both the graphic novels and the TV series.
Lothaire from Kresely Cole’s IAD series. He is all evil for most of the series but you gotta love him thanks to his unintentional humor. His falling in love and redemption are also the biggest karmic slap. I would do bad things for this man.
Gru from despicable me😂
Hugh D’Ambrey from Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series! He’s such a bad dude, but it wasn’t all his fault (technically). He’s got a new lease on life and is the star of a spin-off series in the Kate Daniels world.
Probably spelled his name wrong lol!
Obviously Spike from Buffy!
Trent from Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison. He was showed great turnaround and his true self.
Loved Ian and lothaire from kresley coles series as well
Spike from Buffy, he had a long road to travel and did it without a soul.
I’m torn between Crowley from Supernatural and Spike from Buffy.
Jericho Barrons In the “fever series” by Karen Marie Moning
I love posts like this because I load up on my new book list.
My Favorite is Ian from the Night Rebel series.
Bones 💜
Have to say Godzilla. He went from terrorising everyone in his early appearances, to having little children look up to him as their hero as the series went on. It could be kind of funny sometimes when they would do the marathons in tv. It would go from one movie with him destroying everything in sight, to one having him save the world. But nowadays, he seems to be set in the heroic (if still somewhat destructive) side.
Since I am currently reading(rereading) these books, Casteel from From Blood and Ash.
Spike from Buffy. He just couldn’t catch a break!
Ian is actually amazing! Angel and Spike too.
But I think Jean Claude from the Anita Blake series wins for me. Or Styxx from the Dark Hunter series might be more villain to good guy.
I agree with Jean Claude from the Anita Blake series. Ian is my other favorite.
Angelus/Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer was probably my first favorite villain.
Beast from Beauty and the Beast! For me, there is just no beating him since he is the original enemies-to-lovers male I fell for and fostered this obsession I have with romantasy now!
OMG! So difficult, but I would have to say Vlad. I’m reading, once again the Night Prince series and Vlad is so fierce yet very loving. Layla is a very lucky woman.
I’m going to have to say Raihn from The Serpents and The Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent. The enemies, to reluctant allies, to lovers arc was CHEFS KISS. Not to mention the *banter*. Of course though, the OG has to be Damon from the Vampire Diaries
I loved Damian Salvatore in the Vampire Diaries. I think he did enemies to lovers so well! 😍
RHY from Court of Thorns
Damon from the Vampire diaries. I absolutely love his character. And let’s not forget how dreamy Ian Sommerhalder’s portrayal of him was.
Vlad is my favorite. He’s so rough in the beginning but smooths only for Layla.
Styxx from Dark Hunter Series!
The first one I think of is Vlad from your books. He acts so tough but to those that he cares for, he’s a compassionate and caring person.
Ian will always be my favorite but a very close second is Lucius from the Afterlife series.
I LOVE this series and fell for Ian big time after reading his story with Veritas.
My favorite TV villain is Klaus Mikaelson from The Vampire Diaries and Originals. Watching his transformation from hated villain in the Vampire Diaries to see his redemption and unwavering love and loyalty to his daughter and family was a sight to see.
I would also say Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) series.
Not romantic but definitely villain to hero – Snape from HP series
Gru from Despicable Me
Yesssss! I came here to say this!
So since you already covered it now I’ll say Lucifer…from the show Lucifer .
My villain-to-hero is Vlad, I saw how Bones hated him as villain and yet he became Cat’s friend and Leila’s hero!
Ian is an easy choice for this. He is so fun and someone you have to root for to come out on top. Vlad makes you feel that too.
Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender! His redemption arc is so compelling!
Eric from True Blood. I never liked Bill.
Hi Jeaniene! My favorite villain-to-hero is definitely KLAUS MIKAELSON from the TV show The Vampire Diaries and it’s spin-off The Originals (where he’s a main character). I know you didn’t ask us to elaborate why, but i just feel like he deserves this. His story started when he was a child, constantly abused by his father who simply did not like him ’cause he was different. Later, the story tells us why: turns out he was a bastard son. His mother was a witch, his biological father a werewolf and his abusing step-father a human(viking). He had several other siblings but none were illegitimate as him. One night, during full moon, werewolves(in transition) killed one of Klaus’ brothers. Desperate atfer the loss, his mother created a spell that would turn all her children and her husband(the stepfather – Mikael) into immortals, aka. VAMPIRES. After turning into a vampire, because he was also a werewolf by blood, Klaus became the FIRST HYBRID, thus finally having enough power to fight back against Mikael. Only problem was that all those years of trauma inflicted upon him combined with his new powers made him like his step father. A tormentor: cruel, careless, short-tempered, manipulative and a slightly reasonable individual, showing little to no regard for human life in general. More than 1000 years pass by and he never changes his behavior, getting worse each day, killing people out of pure boredom, including his father, step-father Mikael, mother, and having all his also vampire brothers daggered in coffins(in a state of sleep), carrying them with him wherever he went. Nothing mattered to him until ONE DAY. One day, a girl he had a one night stand with comes to him saying that she’s pregnant(which was believed to be impossible since vampires cannot concieve – !loophole! Klaus Mikaelson wasn’t only a vampire, he was also part werewolf). His initial response was(and i still remember it because this is my comfort show): ,, – Kill her, and the baby. What do i care?” After this, several debates and investigations took place all leading to the truth that the child was actually his. Pointless to talk about how many times his enemies have tried to kill the unborn child because if born it would be an abomination TRIBRID (witch+werewolf+vampire). Still, each time Klaus won the battles, determined to protect what was his! After the child was born A NEW SIDE OF KLAUS is showed to us: one that has emotions, compassion, is able to feel, cares and cares deeply. To further point at this new side of him, he gives his daughter the name Hope, saying that she is the representation of his family’s hope at a better future, a future where they (him and the daggered in coffins siblings) can all be happy togheter. Lastly, when his daughter grows up and becomes a teenager she is faced with great danger. To this, Klaus responds remarcable – by giving up his life in exchange of hers, so that she could live, showing the ultimate acts of selflessness: TRUE LOVE and SACRIFICE for the loved ones! Now that’s a villian-to-hero story i will forever be glad to share, especially because it’s message applies to us all. When treated poorly, we can choose to become like the ones that wronged us or we can choose to be good in spite of it all. Either way, redemption is always at hand, especially if it happens for you to put your faith in the Bearded Guy up there! Stay blessed! XO
I have to go with Vlad and his love for Leila and his friendship with Cat, He was my favorite character from the first time he came into the series and the fun everyone makes with him about the Bram Stoker book! He is a feared and honorable man 😍
I love Vampire Diaries, so I would go with Damon
I have to go with Julian from Sherrilyn McQueen( Kenyon).
Castielle on Supernatural, not exactly a villian but his introduction was blinding a psychic helping the heros of the show.
Hugh d’Ambray from Ilona Andrew’s Kate Daniels series. I have been rereading this series and I forgot how much I hated him in the beginning
High d’ Ambray was the best villain to hero I totally can agree with your choice. As soon as he finally got out of his own head and realized he was a tool for Roland he was able to make choice for himself and I think that made him a better person. When he finally started making choices for him and his soldiers he totally won me over!!!
I loved me some Cole Turner from Charmed !
I’ll have to go the Gru. He really changes once the girls came into his life and the addition of Lucy only made him grow more.
I love Matthew from A Discovery of Witches.
Damon Salvatore from Vampire Diaries is definitely one of my favorite villains. 😍
My favorite Villian to Hero would be Harley Quinn.
Kylo Ren in the new Star Wars movies!
My villain to hero is Nicky from Laurell K Hamilton’s Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series! He’s an absolute sociopath, sent to kill Anita, but she uses her powers to make him her Bride, now he’s still a sociopath, but he’s so in love with Anita, he does anything to make her happy!
Doofenschmirtz (Phineas and Ferb). He had a traumatic childhood and is just doing his best. He tries so hard to be a good dad.
Neal Caffrey from White collar, best con man ever
Dog from Lora Leigh’s Breed series! We meet him a few times before his book, and he’s portrayed as a council coyote for awhile before he gets his happy ending!
Damon and Klaus from TVD! My love for vampires and villains started there!❣️
If anyone else asked that I’d say Ian for sure so I’m going to have to stick with that one because he’s just my fave 😍
Hm, that must be Ian.
Another vote for Hugh d’Ambray from Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series. Even before he had his own book, there was always something about him I liked, despite the things he did. There were times when I almost thought he’d do the right thing. Iron and Magic was an awesome redemption story. It quickly became my favorite book they’ve written.
If we are having to choose someone other than Ian (because really, who doesn’t love his completely inappropriate behavior?), I’d have to say book: Lothaire from Kresley’s IAD series; movie: Snape from Harry Potter (though this could count as book, too).
Definitely Hugh d’Ambray from Ilona Andrews 🙂
I love Acheron from Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Hunter Series but there are so many to choose from
Angel from Buffy
Aric from Kresley Cole’s Arcana Chronicles!
hugh d’ambray by ilona andrews. I really didn’t like him at all though most the books but that changed in reading Iron and Magic.
Vlad from the Night Prince Novels. Yum!!
For me it is Hugh d’Ambray from Ilona Andrews books set in the Kate Daniel’s world. I hated him with a passion & couldn’t wait for Curran to take him down. Than about 9 years ago due to an April Fool’s Day joke..the authors did a redemption book on him..that book is now one of my favorites from their entire collection. The backstory on him & why he was such a villian was done so well. Then his anguish once he realized what he had done & how he started changing was written so beautifully that cried several times.
My fave antihero is Zuko from the animated series Avatar and the Last Airbender. His redemption arc was amazing and something that I did not expect while watching the series.
Another fave is Ian – of course – because I hated him while reading Halfway to the Grave and really thought Bones would have nothing to do with him. I binged The Night Huntress novels the first time I read the series and every time Ian appeared in the books, it made me look forward to his cameos! I love that his redemption arc didn’t happen in his own books, it happened throughout the series and spin-off series. I was estatic when I found out he had his own HEA and who his partner ended up being!
Magneto (X-men) I always had a thing for him, he’s intriguing
Rhysand from A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Damon from the Vampire Diaries or Klaus Mikaelson from The Originals. I Love them Both.
Jullien eton Anatole from Sherrilyn Kenyon’s League series and of course Ian.
My favorites are either Spike from Buffy or Hook from Once Upon a Time. I love both of them so much. Thanks for the chance and I hope to meet you at Apollycon.
Gotta be Hugh d’Ambray – you know who’s April Fool’s ‘joke’ that became reality
Vlad from your Series (i love him) or Galen from the Lords of the Underworld Series from Gena Showalter. I want to marry both!
Vlad is the first one that comes to mind, but Bones is my favorite. Because at the beginning of book 1 you don’t know he’s a good guy. He threats and terrifies Cat, but soon turns into the most luscious hero.
My fav would be Adam Black from Karen Marie Moning’s Highlander series—he comes off so arrogant and selfish at first—but you learn it all comes from a place of hurt—and when he loves it is all in and with everything possible…
Second would be Barrons from Karen’s Fever series—same as above
Both of these characters hold their feelings close but protect what is theirs while pushing their love to the best that they can be—though those methods may be harsh and brutal…
Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time!!
As much as I love Ian and Vlad, my first villain to Hero love was the very first Paranormal series I read. Trenton Aloysius Kalamack from The Hollows Series by Kim Harrison. The Night Huntress series I discovered while reading The Hollows. Both series have had a significant impact in my life and both worlds offer a plethora of imagination.
I absolutely loooove Ian. At first, i hated him (logically) and I just couldn’t understand why Bones still called him his friend. And then I learned more about him and started do admire him. Ian truly deserves better. His so-called friends really act like total dicks towards him sometimes. When I found out there is a book about Ian I absolutely went craaazy!! I’m soooo obsessed with Ian. Seriously, I would bargain my soul just to meet him in real life. My friends probably think I’m abslolutely crazy because of the way I talk about him XD and believe me I do that often 😉
If I had to choose another person, though, I’d pick Belial from the german book series “Izara”. He was introduced as the bad, dangerous devil that one should stay away from because he only loves himself and doesn’t care about anyone or anything (you know, the typical). But the more I learned about him in the other books, the more I liked him. He went from an arrogant, selfcentered and heartless prick to being a humorous, brave and loyal friend.
Still Ian is and remains my favourite book character !!
Ian would be my choice. Because of the way he doesn’t give a fuck about things that aren’t really important, how he can make every situation better doesn’t matter how bad it looks and is a loyal friend despite of his bad reputation. I mean like, he literally sold his soul to save Mencheres and then didn’t even tell him because Ian didn’t want him to worry. Still, his friends act like total pricks towards him sometimes.
My other candidate would be Harley Quinn. She is just such an original. I love her craziness, that she loves herself and can see fun in everey situation (a bit like Ian). Because seriously there are sooooo many amazing guys in books (just look in the comment section). However, I feel like there are NO good, funny, fearless, inappropriate girls. I don’t want to say all female characters are bad but in almost every book the main character is a shy, insecure naive girl who is only still alive because of luck or an old magical family legacy she didn’t know existed (a bit of an exaggeration-but only a bit). Then maybe, maybe not, she learns a few new skills, kills someone the first time, has a mental breakdown because of it but learn to live with it. I just hate that. I just NEED a female version of Ian (if anyone knows anyone, I’d love suggestions). Harley is just the closest thing to that. And I know the protagonists in Jeaniene’s books aren’t really like that, which is the main reason I love her books (besides the yummy guys). But they are still just. not. enough.
Anyway, I’m off topic. My favorites are Ian and Harley. I’ ve think I made it pretty clear why 😉
Hugh d’Ambray and Ian are my current favorites, but I am sure that will change.
I have so many favorites, but I’ve been rewatching the Loki series for the umpteenth time and I am so in love with his character arc. When he went from God of Mischief to God of Stories, I was cheering and full of happy tears. He chose his burden and it was beautiful. I love him so!
Tobias Eaton, Divergent by Veronica Roth
Tobias, in the beginning you were not sure if he were friend of foe to Beatrice.
Theo James is also nice to look at in the movie franchise.
I agree with Hugh d’Ambray from Ilona Andrews books.
😂 Oh gosh there’s too many choices!! I’d say probably Spike, or even Casteel from FBAA.
In Sarah Maas series, “A Court of Thrones and Roses”, Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court, starts out looking really evil. He ends up being a very complex character that has faced many hardships and has sacrificed himself for the protection of his people and his love of Feyre! One of my favorite series!
Sorry I meant “A Court of Thorns and Roses” ! It’s early! Haven’t had my coffee yet!
I know it’s been said already a lot, but Ian has always been my favorite. While it is mostly deserved, the others always assume the worst from Ian and I’m glad he got his say in his novels.
Trent from Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison. He was showed great turnaround and his true self.
This is such a hard choice! There are so many to pick from. My knee-jerk thought was Damon from Vampire Diaries. Well, I obviously love vampires, so then I thought about Spike from Buffy. Vlad wouldn’t exactly be a hero to villain, but in Cat’s series, he was ambiguous. History paints him unfavorably so he could also qualify, since we see a different side of him in his own series. But, Damon might take the cake simply because he appeared almost irredeemable in the first season of TVD.
Well that can only ever be Vlad Tepesh for me. I wanted to loathe him but ended up utterly enchanted by his remarkable compassion, intelligence and honor. Swooonnns and fans face.
For books Olaf – Anita Blake by LKH. He had shown a lot of growth. Of course Vlad & Ian 😉 Everyone loves Spike!!
I started reading your books with Vlad, so he will always be my favorite! From other books, movies, and tv there are so many choices! Eric from True Blood, Captain Hook from OUAT have already been mentioned, but I also loved Blaine from iZombie, even when he went back to being bad again!
I fell in love with the Bight Huntress series when reading Happily Never After which I picked up to read a Sookie Stackhouse novella if I’m remembering correctly. Favorite villain would probably be Dexter! Even though it’s outside of the sci-fi realm. Would you be able to say when we can expect book 3 from Bones’s point of view? I am so excited!! I check the website every couple months or so.
Re-“Would you be able to say when we can expect book 3 from Bones’s point of view?”
I may or may not do a third Bones point of view novel. I’m almost done writing another book (new world, new characters), and after that, I WILL write another vampire book, but I haven’t decided who yet. Let’s just say that two characters are arguing over who’s next in my head, so whoever wins gets a book 🙂
Eric from Trueblood
I just rewatched Jurassic Park this morning so all I can think of is the T Rex….my daughter (4 years old) watched for the first time and her jaw was on the floor when the T rex swooped in to save the day….and I was like you know what?? That IS pretty epic. Also- huge fan and have been a silent reader for a while now. Do you have any plans about making a book for Timothy in the future? Thank you for writing and providing me a much needed escape from reality…I cannot express how excited I am for your new content!
I love SO many that are listed here but I think my favorite is Hugh d’Ambrey from Ilona Andrew’s Kate Daniels world. He’s smart, funny, and I love seeing how he is discovering himself and his morals without Roland. I never thought I’d like him and wasn’t sure about reading the book after all he did through the KD series but I can honestly say Hugh’s book is now one of my top favorites.
Ian! He is my favorite book male character ever! I love him so much! I ‘ll be forever greatful to you for creating him and for also give him his own series with one of the most badass female character ever. Veritas has also a sweet/naive side that was good for Ian. He needed someone like that. I could write a book in my first language explaining why I love Ian, but I will just say that what I find most interesting about him is his duality. He is so loyal, lovable, funny, smart, strong, powerful, complex, honest, honorable, but also can be dangerous, treacherous, cruel, annoying, reckless and shallow. I love that we can see his grown through the NH series but only in his series we see how great he can be 🙂
Jeaniene, could you give him and Veritas another book or short novel? I really want to know how their married life is and what Veritas is doing now that she is not a guardian anymore. Please? Or Ian’s POV? 😉
Omg yeah I’d absolutely love it. It’d be sooo cool!! 😉
I hadn’t even known the trope villains to heroes, before I read the Night Huntress series. But now that I do I absolutely love it. Ian became my favorite character of all. I seem to love it when characters not just don’t fear the fight but also enjoy them. And I think Ian is a good definition of that. 🙂