ETA: The previous unrevised, unedited chapters have been taken down. You can read an extended excerpt from THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE here. (link: THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE releases April 26th. Order yours at #Ad Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or your favorite retailer.

Oh man, I hope this get collected into a book…so much fun.
Me too x
*heart* thank you :)))
Please please please keep going! ❤️
I can’t even remember how many times I’ve read this series and the other books but I do really like reading it from his perspective!! Especially the scenes where she slept with him and regretted it the next day, love to know exactly how he felt about all that!!
Thank you! You’ve made me fall for Cat and Bones all over again!
Amazing, thank you. Can’t wait for next weekend’s episode.
I would happily buy the whole series again with Bones POV *sigh* I love this ❤️
Love this so much! Keep going please! ❤️
Visiting from ilonas page, I actually found cat and bones before Kate Daniels and was excited to see bones POV I miss them! Tho I still read all your new ones loved beautiful ashes! Xoxo can’t wait to read more from bones!
lovely!!! on pins and needles for next chapter! Thank you. I think I will go back and read the entire series – again. :-0))
Um novo livro…. Saudade de Bones e cat.
Please don’t stop!
I wish you could write cat and bones story forever!!
I love these chapters.
I just discovered these chapters today – ironically as I’m rereading Halfway to the Grave. Cat and Bones are my favorite couple out of every book I’ve ever read. Their love, respect, and honesty with each other are just perfection. Please never stop giving us more!
This needs to be in an anthology for sure!! Loved it.
So excited I found this! Been listening to the audio books (I read the series years ago) and am falling in love with cat and bones all over again. This is complimenting the story so well!
Such fire between them, makes for a great couple.
So loving this! Thanks to IA for sharing this bit to us and thank you Ms Frost for writing this 😍
Love!!!! Hope to
Hope so too that you will continue.
Thx 🙂
I agree!!
I would love this in a book as well. I’ve always loved Cat & Bones.
It would be wonderful if these exercpts could be collected in a novella, either as an ebook or print.
Thank you thank you thank you! Love all your books, but Cat & Bones hold my heart..
Love love love no other words work
Me too!!! ❤️❤️
I really hope this get turned into a book. Thank you for writing this!
Thank you so much. ❤️
Oh, wow! Loving this SO very much! 😍
Me too. I sure this makes it to another book. ☺️😊🥰
So much fun! Love getting Bones point of view. Thank you.
Yes!!!! Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the serial, it’s sooooooo good!
It has been a long time since I read this series. Just as exciting as ever. I don’t have any on audio. I think this will be a Christmas gift for myself
These are absolutely wonderful! I so miss cat and bones! It is very illuminating to read everything from his point of you. Please, please keep going.
Oh hi the best read in a long while .now I have to reread the first book tks. I think
I’m so glad Ilona Andrews posted about this! I have missed Cat and Bones!
I love seeings Bones’ point of view. 💖💖💖
Thank you for giving us Bones’s version. This is fantastic! I would totally buy it if you decided to publish it!
I know this is a free series. And please make no mistake, I TRULY appreciate it. But I would PAY to have this in a full book form. <3 I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cat and Bones.
I do like both sides of the story the way you have told them. Bones has a sense of humour and does she. Please write Bones side with the way he would tell it. Sincerely, Sandra Belles a big fan of this one and your other ones as well.
i am loving this…. please do all the books… this is soo awesome… have always wanted his point of view in these books 😀
Oh my heavens it’s so short!! I need more!!!
Loved it . Want more . I have all of your books can wait to see what comes next .
It’s official, I need a whole book of this!
Awe bones heart is like a soft marshmallow with Kat. Did it for her own good. He’s such a hard ass 😂.
I looooove this!
Love this, obviously it was easy to tell Bones was a decent guy from early in the book but never knew just how quickly and strongly he fell for Cat and that urge to protect her, so nice to see his POV, thank you for taking the time to do this.
❤️ simply ❤️ Love it!
❤️ Love it! Thank you so much.
This is truly the most lively revisit of my all-time favorite pair!!
Love this so much! I think I’ve turned into a junkie waiting for my next fix and checking the blog daily for the next part! I just love Bones!
Thank you so much! I don’t get very much time to read anymore, but I’ve missed Cat & Bones. Love this!
so good!
Love it!!!
Bones and Cat have put a spell on me and I can’t read and enjoy something else without comparing and thinking that Bones would gave said that or done that
So I think the consensus is we need a Bones and Kat book!
Thank you for taking the time to share this with us.
You ROCK 💕
Peace light and love. K💕
This. Is. Wicked. AWESOME! I knew that Bones had strong feelings for her in the beginning but not like this! See?! This is why we needed to know Bones’ side of things. I forgot how in love I was with Bones.
Amazing! I’m completely living for Friday now! I’m also re reading the Night Huntress series. Started book 3 last night!
really loved it 😉
Love it!!!!! Bones is so….. Friggin sexy!!! I love when he calls Kat kitten makes my panties wet ever time!!! I can’t wait for more!!! Much luv fangirl forever Kat v.💋💋💞😉
Love it!
Oh my gosh! This was so awesome! Thank you for these. I love the retelling from the way Bones sees things. We learn so much more about Bones. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE finish the book from his POV! Can’t wait for more. <3
I didn’t think I could love Bones anymore then I do – I was wrong.
I’m so loving this! Thanks so much for doing Bones’ POV.
This is amazing! I am loving this story through Bones eyes.
You never cease to amaze me I look forward to the next chapter of bones POV. I hope after ian u will do all the books in bones point of view. I would love even more for Ian’s POV and vlads pov as well. With love and slight patients Jessica
I concur, books from both Bones’ and Vlad’s point of view. Those two are my forever book crushes 💗💗
I am loving every word! I would love to read all the books from Bones perspective!
I wanted them to stay at the cave forever.
I love Cat and Bones so much! Can’t get enough! Are you considering creating a series from their daughters prospective? Your my favorite author and just can’t get enough of the amazing characters you bring to life.
I love this so much! It’s so nice to read things from his point of view!
I am loving this! I’ve missed their adventures.
Oh yes, please keep going! Thank you!!!
Loved chapter 5! Thank you! Can’t wait for chapter 6!
What an awesome Birthday gift. Thanks
Awwww how could this not restart this series. Absolutely Amazing!
I am so enjoying this! It is amazing to see the process of how you transition from the original version to this, gives it a completely new perspective. I don’t know how many years it’s been since I read the original version but it’s like it was yesterday. This is so much fun, I wait for the next chapter.
These releases have become my favorite part of the week. After I read the new chapter I go back and reread the corresponding sections of the original book. I just LOVE it!
Look forward to this every Saturday.
Well done Jean, I am loving this xx
Thankyou so much
I missed them so much, as a couple they work so well. Thank you.
❤️ love it! Looking forward to the next one. Thank you.
Love seeing this side of Bones and how much he fell for her so quickly. Please please we need more
Every chapter till now was so amazing, but too short. I’m longing for more of Bones pov and it’s going to be hard to wait till next week. Keep the chapters coming. I love them! 🙂
I think I hate you right now … I have to go re-read the entire series!
(Yes, seeing things from Bones viewpoint is great! You know you want to write this book and we want to read it.)
❤️❤️❤️ this. Can’t wait for more. Anytime you are ready to publish this as a book, I’m ready to buy. Keep them coming, this is my Kat nip. Ha, see what I did there. LOL! Seriously, I love these stories & can’t wait to read the next one. Thank you for doing this.
Thank you!!!! I love this!!!!
Thank you!!!!! Please, PLEASE continue!
Love the Bones point of view chapters! Check out the cover model on “Darkest Sinner” by Rachel Van Dyken. This is how I always thought Bones would look. Just a hopeful suggestion for the cover of your Bones POV book(s)!!!!!
Amazing, every new chapter of this is amazing. Can’t get enough of it.
Thank you!
Thank you!!! Love this soooooo much! More please 🙏
Love this so much! Thank you!
Please don’t stop!
Thanks again. Can’t wait for more chapters!
Thank you!
Love Cat and Bones! Thank you so much for this!
Yep, my mind is made up… I’m going to reread the whole series again.. love it! Thank you so much 😀
Awesome. Thank you.
Thanks! That was really fun. I appreciate you taking the time away from your other books!
I recently re-read all the novels from these series and fell more in love with Cat and Bones. One of my all time favorite reads. Please continue to write these, I am in love <3
It was all excellent!!
Thank you! This is wonderful!
Love it! Thank you so much!
Love this!!! So much fun.
Thank you soooooooo much for sharing this story! I really wished, that Bones would get a full book or even his own series, I can’t wait for another week to pass by…and read his point of view. Amazing! I now can almost sense how he felt, after Cat left him, you enrich his character with every word you write.
You are an amazing author!
Best regards from Austria
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Oh man I absolutely loved this. I miss my favorite couple. I’m gonna re-read series again. I hope there is a novella with this.
I love getting to read Bones side of the story! I would read a whole book all from his pov. I would love to see more books in the future with Cat and Bones!
I want to read the Grave books again. They’re such great books.
Everyone wants you make this it’s own book! Ditto!
Every part of this is amazing, and it makes me need more of this. I mistakenly read Night Prince before Night Huntress, and I wasn’t sure anything could stand up next to Vlad, but Bones does and more. I would read anything from his perspective.