Sorry for the delay posting this today. It’s been a crazy week (my cold turned into bronchitis! The dishwasher broke! The dog had stomach issues! All with family staying over at my house, of course.) But, oddly enough with all that, we still had a very nice holiday. I hope you did, too. Here’s me and Gypsy on Christmas, with Loki poking his nose in on the bottom right:

And now, to the chapter! In this one, Cat finally drives Bones to lose his temper.
ETA: The previous unrevised, unedited chapters have been taken down. You can read an extended excerpt from THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE here. (link: THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE releases on April 26th. Order yours at #Ad Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or your favorite retailer.

I’m sorry to hear that you have bronchitis. I had it just about all November. I hope you and the adorable pup get better!!!
Another fabulous peek into bones mind!!! Love this badboy!! I do enjoy these chapters,they make my day! Hope you feel better luv. Forever fangirl Kat v.💞💋
Never disappointed! Chapter get better and better. Thank you.❤️❤️❤️
Sorry to hear you have been so sick! Love the picture of you and your fur babies. Bones is so awesome, I look forward to reading more!
Bones is one of my favorite heros. He’s so hot and sexy. I love hou w he takes care of Cat.
Can’t wait for more!!!!
I hope this gets put into a book. You are an amazing author!
Poor Bones😣.. Kat doesn’t know any better yet. Those wordy daggers she throws hurts him so because he cares so much for her opinion of him. It always hurts worse from those you love the most when they make those comments. Even when she refers to vampires in general but not him in her comments later on . You know it still hurts him on a deeper level. “Does she know she is meaning me when she says vampires are evil .” Words can leave the worse wounds especially from your true love.
Better and better still. Hope you feel better soon!
wow u totally said all that I was thinking while reasing this chapter!!! sigh my heart totally feels d pain…
Btw everyone deserves a break especially at Christmas.. Hope you get better and enjoyed your holiday. These blogs are a gift not a requirement we need no excuse or explanation for tardiness. Life happens 😉.
Wow she really hurt him.
But she can’t hurt him if he did not already love her.
Can’t wait until the next installment.
First of all I’d like to say that I’m glad that you enjoyed the Xmas holidays and I am a dog person and have got to say that your dogs look adorable! As usual I loved these last two chapters from Bone’s point of view! Also as I’m Scottish I’d like to wish you and all of your family and all of your followers world wide a very Happy New Year when it comes or as we call it it in Scotland Happy Hogmany and the best of health & happiness in 2020.
Merry Christmas! So sorry you were sick and I hope you are feeling a little bit better. I really appreciate these bonus chapters you are giving us. I hope in the end you will see how much your fans would love to have these chapters published. I would especially like it to be in audiobook format. I hope you have a wonderful New Year.
This is so good. You’ve really found a way to make the story new again through Bones’ eyes. Every other author I’ve seen try to do this has failed to retell the story in an interesting way. Probably because your characters are 100 times more developed than the others. Love this! I know you said you didn’t do this for the whole book but I hope you do it for the whole series! I’d really love to know what was going on in Bones’ head when he and Kat were “broken up”.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Poor Bones, his feelings are so tender. Thanks for writing these chapters!
Thank you again for this chapter. I was missing this series so much I hope you have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New Year!!
Oh poor Bones. Everytime I read a Bone’s POV I want to do another reread of the series! Thanks!
Me too!
I love this look into Bones. Really, Really hoping we can get books from his POV. Thank you for these.
It’s never fun being sick but especially at such a busy time, wishing you a speedy recovery. Your puppy is adorable. I really do look forward to Bones perspective, it really does just brighten my day.
Bronchitis sucks. Drink LOTS of water. Crazy tons of it. I saw two different doctors and tried a few different kinds of medicine and nothing worked on mine. Then a co-worker told me flushing it out with massive amounts of water was the way to go, and he was right (and he’s never right). And thanks for posting these, they’re great 🙂
Thank you so much for taking the time to post these. Happy Quick healing, I suffered the same 2 years ago, it does suck. Till next time.
Thank you so much for another chapter! ❤️
Sorry you were sick but so happy you posted a chapter!!!! Love me some Cat and Bones!!!!
Maravilhoso nosso amado Bonés.
<\3 for Bones all over. Love seeing it from his side. Talk about giving a character patience.
I really loved this chapter Jeaniene, thanks for posting it for us die hard fans. I also wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon. Have a very Happy New Year’s!
thanks a lot ; ) ciao
Man, does reading this bring back memories! Thank you!
I’m so glad you’re better. Please take care of yourself!
Amor del bueno.. #Bones ♥️
Feliz Navidad y que te recuperes pronto 🥰
I hope your feeling better!
She has so much to learn, including how to love and open her heart. Love seeing it from his POV!
Dear god, PLEASE make this a novel!
Bonés nosso querido! Relendo os livros, só sinto saudades de mais deles…. Afinal, ação, romance, lealdade, amizade nos fazem amar esse casal.
thank you soooo much for this amazing gift Jeaniene Frost!!!!! u rock and I hope u feel tons better soon 😊😊
I just recently discovered these chapters from the alternate point of view. Thank you for taking the time to share these looks into Bones’ thoughts. After reading through all of the posts , I am now reading through the series again. I didn’t realize that I hadn’t read Ian’s story yet so I am excited to get to that as well.
I too got hit with a Christmas cold (though yours sounds much worse then mine) and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
I am LOVING these chapters from Bones’s POV. Thank you so much for sharing these. Also, if you ever decide to write the Night Huntress series in Bones’s POV, I’m totally buying that series.
Another great chapter. Thank you for letting me into Bone’s mind. Feel better and Happy New Year.
Love these every week. Keep them coming! Glad you had a good Christmas. Have a wonderful New year!
Thanks for the new chapter! I hope you’re feeling better. Have a safe & Happy New Year.
I cannot explain the feelings that are being brought up in my heart after reading this. Thank you thank you thank you!!! It’s so sad to see just how prejudice Cat was against vampires. But that’s one of my favorite life lessons Cat has learned; evil is a choice not a species.
I look forward to these new chapters. I so enjoy them. Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry you are feeling so bad. Love that you are writing Bones side of the story. Please don’t stop. They make my day!!! Xoxo Dawna
Wow! Intense!
What an intense chapter! Bones was trying to hold his temper, but Cat has taken to heart what her mother has told her. She needs to let go of all that anger.
I love reading about Cat & Bones, from his perspective.