Hi there! I have a bunch of stuff to get to, so let’s dive right in! First, come hang out with me on Zoom this Sunday, March 26th, at 8pm Eastern for a fun He Said/She Said discussion about THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE vs HALWAY TO THE GRAVE, hosted by Coastal Magic Con. I’ll also be giving away books and a $25 Amazon egift card at the chat, so don’t miss your chance to win!
Register to reserve your free spot HERE, which will also give you a reminder before the chat.

And, I’m also doing a live Zoom chat next month on Saturday, April 22nd at 4pm with both haves of the #1 New York Times bestselling duo, Ilona Andrews! Many of you know that Ilona, Gordon, and I have been friends for a really long time, so expect a lot of giggles and teasing in addition to our chatting about our new releases.
Register for the April 22nd chat at 4pm with Jeaniene Frost and Ilona Andrews HERE.

You can also order signed books via bookplates for both Jeaniene and Ilona’s books from Aesop’s Fable bookstore here.
Speaking of BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE, early review copies went out recently, and I’m delighted to share a few quotes from reviewers below.
“Living everything through Bones’s eyes was amazing!” Tynga’s Reviews.
“I loved this book!…I had no idea how much I needed Bones’s point of view. But apparently I did.” Carol’s Random Life.
“I absolutely LOVE that we get to experience the Night Huntress series from Bones’ POV. In a way, it’s like coming home because everything is so familiar and wonderful, but it also feels so new and fresh because the way Bones sees and experiences the world is so different from Cat.” Book Dragon Tree
Now, to the new snippet! I promised one every week until BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE releases, and here is this week’s sneak peek. If you missed the others, they are here, here, and here, plus, the first two chapters are here. To set this scene, Cat and Bones are at Denise’s wedding reception, and Cat’s hand is injured from breaking a glass after a bridesmaid aggressively hit on Bones. But, that’s not going to stop Cat from drinking gin straight from the bottle, and Cat just realized that Bones was the vampire she “felt” outside her house the other night.

Copyright, Jeaniene Frost. All rights reserved.
Cat’s gray gaze widened with sudden understanding. “It was you I felt outside my house the other night, wasn’t it?”
Appears he had let too much of his aura out. “You felt that? I wondered if you did.”
She said nothing. Neither did he. At least, not with words. His gaze told her how frustrating and unforgettable she was, especially while the breeze played with the tendrils of hair that had come loose from its elegant updo. Her bolero jacket did little to hide the long, tempting line of her throat, and each accelerated breath swelled her breasts against her snug lace bodice like the rise and fall of stormy seas.
She swallowed hard, looking away when her gaze began filling with the same need that made him barely able to restrain himself. Then, she took another swallow of gin.
“We have to get back to the reception,” she said in a newly unsteady tone.
Yes, they did. Before he decided that talking was very, very overrated. But first…
“Mind if I have a drop from your bottle?”
Her brow furrowed since she knew his chosen spirit was whisky, not gin. Still, she handed it to him.
Bones slid his tongue over the red streaks marring the glass instead of drinking its contents. His nerve endings erupted at the taste of her blood-so sharply sweet and addictive, just like she was. He’d only drank from her once before, and the memory filled him with the same fire he saw in her gaze as she watched, her breath coming faster while her scent ripened until it nearly begged him to taste her lips next.
Oh, I will, Kitten. But not now.
He handed the bottle back once he’d licked away every drop of her blood from it. Her fingers trembled as she took it.
“Still going to pretend there’s nothing between us?” Bones asked in a heated whisper.
A helpless sort of desperation lit her gaze before angry denial covered it. “There isn’t. Go hit on Felicity instead. Good news: I hear she’s easy.”
With that, she tried to sweep by him. Bones caught her hand and held it, ignoring her angry tugs to get away.
“Stop that,” he said while pulling out his knife.
Her brows shot up.
He bit back a derisive snort. No, I’m not going to stab you for your cruel directive. I’ll repay that another way.
He scored his palm with the blade and pressed her open cut to his welling wound. Her failure to instantly heal was another of her human traits. When she tugged away again, he let her go.
She watched as his blood healed her cut until only the red smear on her palm remained to show that it had ever been there. Then, she looked at him and didn’t look away.
He stared back, still feeling the heat from her skin while tasting her blood on his tongue. Both made him want to kiss her until she admitted what her scent, eyes, and pulse all screamed at him, but he didn’t. First, she had to admit to herself that she still wanted him, and he knew how to make her.
Brace yourself, Kitten. I’m calling your bluff.
“Weren’t you leaving?” he asked with an arched brow.
After a final, confused look, she did.
Bones waited a few minutes before returning to the ballroom. Then, he ignored Cat and focused on Felicity.
“Good news, luv,” he said with his most charming smile. “I do dance as well as I look.”
Hope you enjoyed! As a reminder, you can preorder BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE at #Ad Amazon,* B&N, Apple Books, Libro, Audible, Indiebound, and Kobo. Also, be sure to check back next week for a new snippet plus more goodies!
Less than a month! Thank you for the snippet and the zooms. It’s going to be fun reading for sure.
Thank you, those are amazing. With the other half of the grave, I tried to read both books in tandem but I gave up. I think I like Bones’s POV better 😁.
I’m also listening to the graphic audio edition of « halfway to the grave » and it’s awesome.
Thanks for sharing so much and can’t wait for your zoom sessions.
I recommend your books to anyone that says they love to read. I read you new book. Then decided to re-read the whole series. Thank you for making me smile. Looking forward to more of your books. 🙃
Thank you!